Chapter 4

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It has been 3 weeks since I had finished editing that first video of mine and grew the balls to finally put it up for the rest of the world to see. nothing happened at first, but soon enough I ended up getting more and more views. Now I was in the middle of filming my fifth video. 

"and this is why you shouldn't play with knives! you could hurt yourself or others just like this person did.' I said, playfully scolding the future viewers, but mentally wincing at the thought of the video i just watched. " Now that's all i have time for today. but i hope you all enjoyed this video. If you did, just give it a thumbs up and if you didn't, well you can lie and click the thumbs up button anyway" giving the camera a cheeky wink. "bye bye y'all." I whispered creeperly at the camera with a stupid face.

Now, the editing part usually took a while to do, but this video didn't really need to be edited that much. While editing out the bloopers from the video, I heard the familer ding from my phone letting me know that i had an e-mail. 

" shit! where is that damn thing!" I shouted, annoyance slipping into my voice. 

After serching for what seemed to be hours, but in reality was 10 minutes, i finally found my phone under my bed. 

After unlockijng my phone and opening up the new e-mail, a ripple of shock went through my system. TheLilrandoms were going to the first ever youtube convention here in Australia! After reading the e-mail that explained the details, of where and when it was happening, I immediatley called Danae AKA, Misscrazybabee. 

"NAE!! Guess whaat!?!?!" I sreamed, exitment and nervousness clear in my voice.

"WHAT!?!!?!" she said, mocking my voice.

"TheLilrandoms just got invited to go to the first ever youtube convention here in Australia!" I screameed into the phone piece.

"what?" Danae whispered,  clearly not believing me.

"its true nae, we are going to be part of the first group of youtubers to be going to the first Australian youtube convention! Its in a few months so we can make arangments and that other bull- poopies but yeah. We finally made it!" I said, trying to convince her  that i was telling her the truth.

"really? OMG!!!! EEEEEEEEEEEPPPPPPP!!!!!" The excited teen screamed. 

"Nae, I'm still on the phone...." I stated over her screaming. 


" I KNOW GOD DAMN IT!" I screamed right back at her. 

"Whoops. Imma go pack. you need to go pack. this is amazing and-" she started her ramblling speach about what needs to happen. 

"NAE! Chill, we don't need to start packing for a few more weeks. Calm your tits woman!" I said. 

"right. Well I'm still going to go. bye bye" She giggled and qickly hung up the phone. 

"Well goodbye to you too." I muttered, glaring at my phone as if it was its fault that I didn't get to say goodbye.

I looked up to see that my mother was standing at my door with a blank expression on her face.

"Yes mum?" I questioned, curiousity leaking into my voice.

"What were you and Danae talking about?" She questioned, well, more like demanded. 

"well," I nervously started " I just got an e-mail saying the TheLilrandoms have been invited to be a part of the first Australian YouTube Convention in a few months. I was just explaining it all to her and when I see Cate next, I'll tell her to." I finished the sentence quietly, hopeing i didn't say the wrong thing to upset her. 

She looked at me, the blank expression still painted across her slightl wrinkled face, allowing her mind to consume the inforrmation and process what will be happening. Eventually, a grin started to form on her face and she suddenly tackled me onto my bed while whispering how proud she was of us being able to go to the convention. 

Aftter we had pulled away from the hug, she left my room, practically skipping while shouting something about informing everyone in our family of our plans. I shouted a quick okay and went back to editing my video. 


Hey everyone, I know it has been ages since I last updated, but I have been doing univerity work, looking for jobs and making videos.. I know this chapter isn't very long but I do plan on having longer chapters in the future. please comment, vote and follow me. thank you for your patience and hopefully, the next chapter won't take months to finish writing. xx

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2014 ⏰

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