11. A Not-So Charming Night and Half-Charming Surprises

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Rainst0rm12 Hehehe, get ready for some plot twists 😉😏

~Dexter's POV~

Things today have been one hundred percent weird. Nothing seems right for some odd reason. Like how I found Daring screaming about Faybelle in Darling's old tower, then I kept finding weird plants and green chalk everywhere, and my comic books keep disappearing, especially the newer Justice Team issues. Bizarre, right? Maybe it's just an odd coincidence or something.

Anyways, those aren't the only strange things going on. Darling texted me that she's staying with Lizzie instead of that other guy, whatever after his name is, and she won a game of Wonderland croquet against her. The weird thing you ask? Darling feels royally awkward when she plays croquet. She's self conscious about the way she hold the flamingo, or mallet, and she thinks she's got tiny hands, but the way she plays...isn't hexactly good. I'm not trying to be mean, but really, she's not good.

And then mom and dad've been fighting a lot. I think I'm losing sleep because of it. Every night it's something different, but it's usually about us, and it always ends the same way; slammed doors and separate beds. Trust me, it's not fun. To top it all off, Daring's been avoiding me.

At the moment, I'm sitting at my desk, trying to fix some software for Blondie. She's mirrorchatting me to make sure I do it "just right"

"How about now?" She asked for the fourth time. I shook my head.

"Not yet, Blondie. I almost got it." I told her for what felt like the fiftieth time.

"Okay..." She replied. "How about now?"

"For Grimm's sake, Blondie!" I shouted back. Why did she always have to be so obnoxious and bossy?

"Geez, who ate your porridge?" She said snappily. Blondie smoothed back her yellow blonde hair and began reapplying a layer of neutral makeup.

"Why are you putting on more makeup?" I asked. She snarled at me.

"Because, Dexter, I have to look just right for the cameras tonight. You didn't forget about the award show, did you?"

"What awar— oh curses!" I forgot all about the awards show! Okay, Dexter, think! Find something suitable to wear, then fix your hair, and ask to borrow dad's carriage tonight.

"Hello? Dexter?" She called from behind the screen. "Dexter?" I forgot about her for a second there!

"Yeah, I'll be there!" I called from the other end.


I closed my laptop and scurried over to my dresser. I began vigorously searching through the drawers, trying to find something suitable to wear, anything causally elegant would do, as long as it wasn't a suit. I hate suits. After dumping out the dresser drawers I finally found a good outfit. It was a ocean blue sweater vest and a regular white, button up, shirt. I threw my clothes on along with some black dress pants and my black loafers.

Just as I was about to fix my hair, there was a knock at my door. "Come in!" I yelled. Daring walked through the door.

"Hey little bro..." He waved while flashing a smile. I blocked my eyes with my hand from the blinding shine of his teeth. How I hate those teeth...

A Not-So Charming Family [Re-Writing]Where stories live. Discover now