R5 Imagines Ross (Dedicated to my lovely friend Jessie)♥♥♥

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3.)You decided to go on tour with Ross for the last few months.Being

cramped in a small bunk with no space seemed fair if you got to spend time with your loving boyfriend.But you started to notice that whenever you get to see and spend alone time with ross all he wants to talk about is R5.R5 this R5 that.Your sick of it."So were gonna be going on another tour just like this next year isn't that so cool!?" he says "Yea ross" you mutter."What's wrong?" he asks "nothing I'm just tired" you lie getting up and going to your bunk.You lay down and turn on your phone.He comes back and lays with you "What's really wrong Jess?" he asks "I'm just tired!" you snap."Jeez don't go all PMS on me I'm just worried" he says."About what now ross?Are you worried about the profits of the next show or rikers eyes or rockys chloths or our relationship for once?" you snap."What?" he asks."All you care about is R5 ross that's all.'Oh Riker needs an eye test.' 'we need more merch at the stand'' you mimmik."I didn't know you felt that way...." he says quietly."I think I should go back" you say."What why?" he asks."Ross....were spending to much time together.I don't like distracting you from your work.And missing you is way better then spending every breathing second with you."you say."i-i guess...I just thought you came to spend all this time with me." he says."I did but not being cramped in a teeny bed" you say."Ok....I'll get you a ticket." he says.the next day ross drives you to the air port.he wasn't allowed passed baggage check "I love you jess" he says "I love you to Rossy Bear" you say.He pulls you in to a warm hug.You smell his clean orangey clean laundry smell that your gonna miss smelling for a month."We can skype every day" you say.you look up to see tears falling down his cheeks "oh Ross don't cry" you say kissing is tears away."I'm just gonna miss you" he says planting a soft kiss on your lips you kiss back then he pulls away "you need to go.you can't miss your plane" he says.you walk in to baggage claim looking at ross until you couldn't see him anymore.'Youll see him on skype tonight' you say all ready missing him terribly."its for the best" you whisper to yourself. It truly is for the best.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2013 ⏰

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