Break Nights

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"Finally!" Dan screamed as he collapsed on the floor after entering through their apartment. Giggling could be heard behind him, along with the sound of luggage hitting the floor beside him.

"Dan! Get up! We have to put our stuff away. " Phil said while nudging him several times with his shoe, making Dan groan several times.

" I don't want to. We just got home!" Dan whined, trying to hit Phil when he rolled him over. After a bit of arguing from both sides, Dan finally gave in and both Youtubers were off to unpack their luggage.

"Dan?" Phil yelled through the walls of his bedroom. Dan popped his head in, his eyes widening at the mess of clothes littered all over the others bedrooms.

"Umm yeah?" Phil turned around at the sounds of Dans voice.

" I've lost my Triceratops jumper!" Phil said as the grabbed Dans shoulders shaking them violently back and forth, making him dizzy. After getting Phil off him, Dan remembered he had took the jumper and could feel the heat start to rise to his cheeks.

" Calm down you spork, I borrowed it because I was cold. Sorry I didn't say anything." He replied meekly while sheepishly scratching the back of his head.

"Oh!" And with that "Oh" Phil ran off into to Dans room, rushing pass him almost knocking him over in the process. Dan ran after him screaming in protest.

"Hey! You can't just go into somebody's room without asking!" Dan scolded when he got to the room. There was Phil standing in the corner holding his precious jumper, Dan glanced up to his face, there he was smirking with his tongue poking out.

"What? What is so funny?"

" Don't you realize you did the exact same thing to me when you entered my room?" Phil responded, his smirk getting bigger.

"You called me!' Dan said as he crossed his arms in a defensive stance.

" You could've just yelled through the walls!"

" I don't want to yell and hurt my voice. And you're deaf! There is no way you would've heard me."

" The walls are literally super thin Dan!"

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH YOU'RE IMPOSSIBLE!" Dan screeched, when people asked if they ever fought and he responded with sometimes they probably thought it was something so huge that would make them hate each other. Instead it was silly little arguments. Dan turned his head towards the giggles and breathing of his flatmate.

Dan couldn't help but laugh along, his laugh was so contagious. After the laughter lied down, Phil turned to questioned Dan.

"Why did you have my jumper anyway? You could've worn our merch." He said as he titled his head in confusion, smiling slightly at the awkwardness and blush on the others cheek.

" They aren't as warm as yours and they smell like you. And you smell nice and why didn't the hotel have anymore double rooms?! I had to be by myself so I kinda took your jumper because I was lonely and it reminded me of you and I don't even know what I'm saying anymore!" Dan rambled on as he covered his face with his jumpers sleeves.

"Aww I missed you too!" Phil screamed as he tackled Dan into a hug, burying his blushing face so Dan couldn't notice.

"Get off me you twat!" Dan howled with laughter as Phil hugged him a bit too tightly. Phil suddenly jumped back, Dan raised an eyebrow at the sudden outburst and missed the others warmth.

" Dan, Dan, Dan, Dan! You know what we should do!?" Phil said as he bounced up and down his blue/green/yellow eyes glistening with excitement.

"What should we do, Phil?" Dan sighed, trying to hide a smile, but too bad for him, we can totally see the smiles he send Philip.

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