The First With Harry Styles 3

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Hi guys welcome back to my story and I promised for all of you that I will make the last part here it is so give a favor please do not let young age to read this because they are young for it so let's get started....

Previously on TFWHS Courtney been married with Harry.

After Harry and Courtney been married they have sex right so now a past months they have sex again and Courtney keep a secret to Harry that she is pregnant and when she say it Harry is surprised and Harry wanna have 3 kids and they have now 3 kids the two girls name Darcy and Lux Darcy is the eldest and Lux is the youngest the middle one is Harry Jr. Harry pick the name for its middle son Harry and Courtney go shopping with their kids and Harry seems quite tense to Courtney just like something is change to Courtney when they arrived at home Harry ask Courtney what is happening to her Courtney said " what? After having birth into a child is it seems quite tense?"

"Yeah, something happens to you" Harry said

"Harry..... What are you talking about ?" Courtney said

While Courtney is staring at Harry's eyes Harry just kiss her already and she knows that Harry is joking hahahahahah

"What the hell Harry!!! You just kidding me!!!!" Courtney shout

"I'm just joking beh beh beh!!" harry is laughing

The End!!!

Love story transformed into a funny story

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2016 ⏰

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