Part 11: Vavasour Sauvignon Blanc

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The clicking of heels on marble stair steps is cause for much commotion deep within the Shadow Gallery. Alarms sounding, pans flying too and fro, and the slamming of cupboard doors fills the air but never reaches the ears of the woman responsible for the sudden flurry of movement as this phenomena is over as quickly as it has started, with the slam of a heavy metal door.

Evey's POV
I've not often been down the halls I've just been down, nor have I been inside Victoria Station for longer than a few minutes before this day. If not for the thick smell of Violet Carsons in full bloom, I might've not recognized the place. As I walk down the marble steps, and the walls change from sterile-looking white tiles to eggshell white granite bricks, I can see that the old woman wasn't incorrect. I was back in the Shadow Gallery and, according to the grandfather clock in the corner, not a minute late. I walk into the parlor and set the groceries I'm carrying down. There's a note on the counter written in V's swirly cursive that says:
Meet me on the roof.
(And bring the wine)
I pick up the bottle the old woman has presumably left for me and peer at the label.
"Vavasour Sauvignon Blanc" I read aloud.
A white wine. Interesting.
I look down at what I'm wearing, thinking that it's hardly going to be appropriate, given the weather conditions at the moment. I consider changing, but I remember V's request. "Be back before 6".
Well, it's 6:01, and V would certainly acknowledge a tardiness of mine if it were more severe than a minute or so, leaving me know time to change. I shrug. A little rain's never hurt me.

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