The Announcement

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Mira's pov

It's only 2 weeks until Christmas and I am cleaning glasses behind the bar, spying on all of my ships. Lucy was eating her dinner while Natsu kept begging for a pieces of her poached salmon, of course Lucy said "no" and to "get his own". Gray was talking to Cana while Juvia was behind the request board supposedly "Keeping Gray safe." As she put it after I caught her this one time in a bush outside of the guild staring at Gray as walked back home. Romeo and Wendy were outside building a snowman, as Carla closely watched Romeo through the window to make sure he didn't get touchy with Wendy. Erza was drinking a mug of hot tea at the window with Carla, and chuckled when Wendy threw a snowball at Romeo. All of the sudden the Thunder Legion came in. Everybody greeted them cheerfully. Master Makarav went over to Laxus as his comrades headed their separate ways.

Laxus's pov

The old geezer came towards me as I came back from a job with the Thunder Legion. "Laxus I forbid for you and the Thunder Legion to go on any more jobs for two weeks!" He instructed. "Oh, come on old geezer. What is there to do around here?!?" I complain. He didn't reply "Now Mira!" He called. I looked at the She-Devil, noticing her new dress... I suddenly realized she was wearing the dress I got her for her birthday. The neckline swooped down, and the red sleeves were shiny and hung from her arms. A green sash was around her waist and the skirt was flowing to her ankles, where cozy boots peaked out fro underneath. Seeing this made me feel so...

Mira's pov

I heard the Master call to me "Now Mira!" And I come out from behind the bar, "The master and I have decided that 11 people should come with me to the snowy mountains. There will be three cabins there. The 11 people will be:
"Yes!" I heard her say
"NICE!!" He yelled
"Yay I'm with, Lu!" She excitedly said.
"Hey shrimp, better pack snow shoes or you'll have to swim through the snow." He smirked. "Hey" she yelled and slightly blushed, Lucy was smirking at her blue haired friend pointing at her face.
"Will Gray-sama be going?" She asks concerned.
"Wo-" he was about to holler but got cut off by Juvia hugging yelling "Darling we get to spend the next two weeks and Christmas together how romantic!!" He was trying to pull her off when a certain blue haired mage came in. "Hello everyone. Hope I'm not late." He smiled warmly.
"Oh no Jellal your just on time..." I steal a quick glance at Erza to see her giving herself a pep talk under her breath.
"The last five people going..." I continued "are Jellal, Erza, Romeo, Wendy, and last but definitely not least Laxus!" I end enthusiastically. To find Laxus staring at me, my cheeks started to heat up and I quickly continued in hopes that he would stop." We will be leaving tomorrow at 10 so be here at 9:00 - 9:30. We will be there for 14 days two of those days will be Christmas and Christmas eve. So go get packed!" I find that Laxus stopped staring at me as everyone else went to get packed. So I grabbed Laxus's wrist and asked him sweetly as he turned around "Can you drive the car with the Christmas tree on it?" A slight blush tinted his cheeks.

Laxus's pov

I was staring at Mira, because she was actually wearing the dress I got her, I mean- I thought the dress I got was horrible compared to the presents she received from everyone else! I snapped out of my thought when Bickslow sharply poked my arm as Evergreen mocked me. I glared at them and lightning started to form around me, they quickly got the message and shut up. I heard Mira announce, "So go get packed!" And I started to walk out of the guild. Suddenly I felt a smooth and delicate hand grab my wrist, I turn around to see it was Mira. She sweetly asked me "Can you drive the car with the Christmas tree on it?" She smiled so sweetly that I immediately gave in "S-sure." I reply trying to keep my composure. I felt my cheeks warming, and mentally hit myself. She thanks me and skips away. I felt my heart calm down, and decided to go pack.

A Fairy Tail Christmas Mira-cleWhere stories live. Discover now