chapter 1

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Annie: huh katie just texted me

K: annie can you ask if me brennan and ryan can live at you're hous please

A: omg katie of course but what happened

K: mum and dad dont love us anymore😭

A: mum and dad said yes and will be at your place to pick u guys up in 20

K: ok thank you so much cya soon xx

Annies pov: so katies mum and dad dont love her and her brothers anymore idk why but aleast shes gonna be happy with us and i get to see brennan ive kinda had a crush on him for a while now but never told katie. 

Brennans pov: ok so were packing our stuff and moving in with annie because our mum and dad dont love us anymore idek what we did and now i cant do water polo golf or swimming.

Authors note (hey guys so how did you like the first chapter let me know and what will happen next time byeeeee xxx

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