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dear family, I'm sorry I wasn't good enough. I'm sorry I wasn't the perfect daughter you wanted who was always happy and bright. I'm sorry I am who I am.

dear Jasmin, I'm sorry we can't talk. I'm sorry I'm obviously not good enough to talk to anymore. I wasn't the perfect friend but at least I fought. I tried to be as good as I could but you didn't appreciate. i tried to see you and I try to get you to sit with me and talk to me at lunch and after lunch and after school and before school, but you never care to. you never even try. so I'm sorry I wasn't good enough to be your friend. I'll try harder for the next person.

dear Kenzie, I'm sorry I insulted you and completely ruined everything. again. I really didn't try to. I really want to be your friend. I really really do want to. but I guess you don't. and that's where I went wrong. I kept trying. I should've stopped and left you alone like you wanted.

dear Jalyn, I'm sorry I'm annoying. I'm sorry that I'm always needing something and always upset. I'll stop. I'm sorry I ever bothered you with my feelings.

dear jazz, I'm sorry I'm not like those other girls. I tried to be better but I'm obviously not. I know the reason you stay and you can't deny it. you don't have to pretend to love me anymore. I can see through your act. I'll try harder for the next person.

dear everyone on wattpad, I'm sorry that I left you and didn't try to stay. I have people running the account but it's not the same. I'm very sorry I left you

dear myself, you fucking idiot. why the hell would you treat yourself the way you do. people already do it enough you don't need yourself to add to it. just leave


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