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Joe-hey Hannah are you awake
Hannah-well I am awake now
Joe-omg sorry for waking you up
Hannah-well I missed my alarm by half an hour so thank you
Joe-no problem when do you have to wake up at 7 in the morning saying it is half 7 now
Hannah-I work in a coffee shop in London but I only work there early in the morning what about you why are you up this early
Joe-I also have a Joe that involves social media so I normally wake up because I forgot to put my phone on mute while I sleep and wake up to the noise of notifications lol 😀
Hannah-oh okay I guess you must be quite important in the Internet world then
Joe-yeah I have a YouTube channel called thatcherjoe
Hannah-ohh okay well my friend talks about you a lot but I have never watched your videos so I might give them a watch
Joe-thanks That's sweet of you I hope you become a thatcherjoe fan saying you are now my friend
Hannah-well I will probably become a thatcherjoe fan and may I ask hair many subscribers you have
Joe-7.3 million subscribers no biggi lol 😂
Hannah-wow well that is a lot of people that watch your videos so I must watch them when I get back home at lunch lol
Joe-well thank you
Hannah-well let me just say you look adorable tho I have seen many pictures from my friend and you are pretty cute but I guess you get that said to you quite often saying your fan base is huge
Joe-aww thank you Hannah I appreciate it and you are right I do get told that quite a lot
Hannah-well it is my pleasure Joseph suggury
Joe-please don't think I am a creep or what ever but are you single
Hannah-I don't think you are a creep because if I thought you were a creep I wouldn't be talking to you now but yes I am single what about you
Joe-yep is am single lol
Hannah-well that is a shame saying you are adorable but I have to go to my job so I will talk to you later then
Joe-yep I will speak to you later bye Hannah 😆lol x
Hannah-bye Joe x

I hope you enjoy this and I will see you soon with a new up date on this book

Goodbye for now
Hammerheaven xx

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