Ch.19: So This Is How It Feels

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"Those what I feel for him... I'm afraid they'll come back..."

Nagisa seems startled, while Takahashi was just standing there, with a horrified expression, "W-What should I do..?"

Nagisa is running out of words to say, he kept thinking and thinking for something to say, but nothing came out, Takahashi slowly throw herself to the park bench.

The wind was colder than anything, but those two can't even feel it, Takahashi spaced out, she stared into a blank view, everything felt like chaos.

Suddenly, she snapped to reality, something was covering her, or more like, it was someone.


The blue haired boy hugged tightly, though he didn't answered Takahashi, She started feeling pain on her body, "It hurts.. Nagisa..."

"Shh..." Nagisa simply said, suddenly, it started raining, but they didn't move an inch, "Nagisa, it's raining..."

He tighten his hug even more, she can't hold herself anymore, especially after all what happened.


Her voice breaks the silent, she fall to her knees, while Nagisa was still hugging her, the rain is getting bigger.

After a while, they sat down under a tree near the park, covering themselves from the rain, Nagisa gave Takahashi his coat.

"Wear this" He said while handing it over, Takahashi took it and cover herself with it, "Thanks..."

Her head was looking down at the ground, her expression is unreadable, water was dripping from the edge of her hair.

"Hey, Nagisa..."

Nagisa looked to her direction, her head was still down, "I don't want to have those feelings again..."

"What should I do?"

She asked while looking Nagisa directly, he couldn't come up with any answer, as he never been in this type of situation.

He checked the time through his phone, it was almost midnight, his mother would be looking for him right now, and so does Takahashi's parents.

"I won't let him get near you, I promise."

Nagisa said confidently, he holded her  hand, "I would never let that happen again, believe in me!"

Takahashi was surprised with his answer, she didn't expect this type of reaction, especially from Nagisa.

"He looks so cool like that..."

Slowly, Takahashi and Nagisa was getting closer, her face was blushing despite feeling cold, the gap between them is only a few centimeters, until...

"Takahashi Haruna!"

The voice shouted, and by that, she could tell that it was her parents, they ran towards her and grabbed her hand, "Let's go! You own a lot of explanation to us!"

Takahashi's mother walk towards Nagisa, and surprisingly...

She slapped Nagisa, leaving a red mark on his face, with a sharp eye, she says, "Don't you get near my daughter ever again"

They left, leaving Nagisa who was standing under the tree, Takahashi's went home.

They entered the house, and entered the living room, surprisingly her mother, gave her a slap, but a softer one.

Takahashi bit her lips to stop herself from making any voice, but her teras was already falling, "I can't believe you, Asuka..."

Her mother walk towards her room and slammed the door, her father pats Takahashi's shoulder.

"I swear, I didn't do anything..." Takahashi said while sobbing, "I know, dear, your mother didn't mean to do that..."

Takahashi went to her room and throe herself to her bed, she checked her phone, she clicked on Nagisa's contact.

"I'm sorry for what happened, I couldn't say anything..."

She clicked Sent, the message was sent, a few minutes, there was no reply from Nagisa, minutes turns into hour, still no reply, Takahashi gave up.

While in her parents room, "Look at her! She's a wreck!" Her mother shouted to her father.

"Don't say that! She's your daughter too! What is wrong with you?!" Her father shouted back.

"First, She used Haruna's name, and Now, she's acting like this!"

Her mother sat herself down at the bed, she covered her face with her hands, "Dear... What have we done wrong? I just want what's best for her... Why can't she just listen to me..?" she said as she started sobbing.

Her father sat next to her, "We didn't do anything wrong...", after a while both of them stop talking, it was really silent, until they heard a sound of breaking glasses  from Takahashi's room.

They rushes to her room, the door was unlocked, and she was nowhere to be seen, "Asuka!", They called her, but no response.

They spotted the window was broken, an old rope was hanging down reaching the ground.

"Did she...? No way..."

They searches for her things through her school bag and desk, they opened every drawer, until they break down her locked wardrobe, her mother was shocked to see what's inside.

"Dear, take a look at this...", her things was not there anymore, but something catches her father's attention, "Dear, what's that?", He pointed to what it seems to be a letter.

They took it and opened the letter, after reading it, her mother break down crying on the floor.

After a while, morning came, Nagisa was about to leave for school, "I'm going to school, mom!", He noticed that he accidentally stepped on a paper, he looked down, it was a letter, he took the letter.

To: Shiota Nagisa
From: -

It was for him, by an unknown sender, but he opened it anyway.

"Dear Nagisa

You probably noticed that the From was empty, though, you definitely know who sent this.

I just wanna say, I'm sorry, for all what happened, I really regret it, It's all my fault, I shouldn't have let this all happened, I really glad that I have the chance to know you, I wish we could have gone closer, I really wish we could talk again.

I really do, I'm glad that I was friends with you, Nagisa.

By the time you read this, I've probably have gone lost somewhere, or I didn't manage to survive, I know that we probably won't get the chance to see each other again, I just want you to know...

I'm in love with you, Nagisa, I didn't have the courage to say it directly, I'm sorry.

I'm such a terrible person, you probably know that by now.


Nagisa didn't make any expression, he was shocked, he couldn't think of anything, everything was blank.

The papers fell from his hand, and fly along the cold wind.

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