1: When It Started

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It was my sixteenth birthday. I had been walking with Steven. Steven and I were to be eloped in the Summer. I had no choice, my parents had arranged it. He had his hand in mine. We looked at the village. It was not much, but to us, it was beautiful. He pulled me to my cottage. My parent were not home yet. It was quite late and quite dark. I could not sense what he was doing. I could only assume Steven had been lighting a candle.

I soon felt a mouth on mine. I did not like this one bit. He forced me. I was not very strong, so I could not hold him back. His lips made their way down my neck. I pushed with all my might. Yet, he was not affected. Taking his lips off my neck, he started taking off my dress. Once off, he went back to kissing my neck. I knew I could not do anything. I thought he might stop soon, so I let him continue. He pulled back, looking into my eyes. He opened his mouth. There was something irregular about his mouth. I recognised something in his mouth. It reminded me of my book. I now knew what he was. He was a vampire.

With one swift movement, his fangs plunged into my neck. I screamed in pain. He soon released. After releasing he ran. He left me here, bleeding out of my neck. I knew, from this moment on, nothing would be the same.

We never saw Steven again. He had fled the village. I did not know how to keep control yet, so I would not interact with many people. No one else knows about my problem, but me. If they find out, they will stab me in the heart with a stake.

A few weeks later, the Blood Moon came. Humans do not know of this moon. When this moon comes, it seems like any other moon, but not to vampires. I had not known of this Blood Moon, until it happened. I had woken up, throat burning. I was hungry for blood. I had only drunk the horses blood before, never killing them. But today, I wanted human blood. I had never craved this much blood before. It frightened me. So much that I stayed inside all day, not talking to anyone.
I had thought that no one came out at night, so that night, I left to drink some horse blood, something behind me moved. I was hoping it was not a human. But I smelt it. And before I knew it, I attacked. He screamed, I kept drinking. Nothing could stop me. Unfortunately, someone heard him. People flooded out of their houses. They yelled at me. They tried pulling me off. I would not budge. They attacked me. They tried stabbing me. Sadly, for them, it did not work. It just healed. They tried everything. But I would not stop. I would not stop until the man had no blood left in him. I would not stop until the man had been drained. I would not stop until the man, was dead. So I did just that.

Once finishing off the man, I was out of control. I was a monster. But it felt so good. I knew I had murdered everyone in the village. Even my parents...

*Flashback over*

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