Chapter 2: Secrets Are What Keep Us Safe

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Hello! I would still like you to comment on a guy name. Please do. I can't put a guy in until you comment a name! Please! You might be thinking, 'Why don't you just chose?' The thing is, I can't! I need someone else to help me decide!

Anyway, on to chapter 2...

Vanessa's POV
Black. Some say wearing it can make you blend in. Others say it will make you stand out. I know which is true. I have worn black for many years. When I say many, I mean many. At school I wear black hoodies and black skinny jeans with black converse. It works. I don't have friends. I'm not popular and no one notices me.

I have to go to school. I look like I'm sixteen. I have met other vampires that look like they are in high school, but they don't go to school. The reason is, because they fell in love and got married. They now have kids. Yes, vampires can have kids. And they aren't feral beasts like they say in the 'Twilight' saga by Stephanie Myer. Stephanie is a vampire but she made up some things so we wouldn't get caught. Stephanie is a friend of mine, we go way back. She is younger than me though. She was not bitten but born. Born vampires grow until they mature. Also, born vampires aren't affected by the Blood Moon. Born have more control but bitten are stronger, faster and they stay the same age they were when they were bitten.

Being a vampire isn't too bad. It has it's advantages but also it's disadvantages. Luckily we don't die when we hit sunlight, but we do get burnt easily. We can eat garlic but usually we don't like it. We don't glimmer in the sunlight, actually that would be pretty cool. Yes, we are fast, strong and we can never die. But we'd can't show our strength or how fast we can run. Sure we can show a bit but not too much. And never dying seems cool, right? Wrong! We can't make friends. If we do, we either not tell them and they find out from you not ageing or we tell them and we watch them slowly die. I decide not to make friends. It's the easier option.

Have I told anyone about me being a bloodsucker? Yes. It was the worst mistake of my life and I have lived a long time! At first, they got scared and went and told a bunch of their friends. Then, they all tried killing me. After that, they realised how great it would be to be a vampire (not), so they begged me to turn them. I did...n't...I took this opportunity to suck the blood right out of them. Sorry not sorry. It was a bad day for me. Periods suck! And before you ask, yes, vampires do get periods but we only get them for a day. The reason is blood can make it go faster sometimes and we drink a lot of blood. Also, vampire periods are a lot like 'Blood Moons', we go bloodshit crazy. You see what I did there? Like batshit crazy, but bloodshit. I know, not funny. That's because you are probably human.

You may be wondering, 'What about other supernatural creature? Like werewolves, fairies, warlocks, ect.' They are all real! You just can't see it. We have to have secrets to stay safe. Always remember that.

'Werewolves are you enemies, right?' Nope! We are actually allies. It's the fae you want to watch out for. Them, and the demons. Demons are real. There's a chance you live next to one. They are that common. The rarest of creatures are fairies, vampires and abominable snowmen. Yep, you heard right! Abominable snowmen.

Fairies are pretty cool. I was close to know a few, not anymore though. They are the kindest of creatures. It is impossible to meet a mean fairy. I have met a tiny village of them. By tiny, I mean the tallest fairy there, was 8 centimetres. Every fairy in the world lives at this village. The village is the size of four iPads stuck together. See what I mean by rare. They all stick together because if they leave, they could die.

Vampires. I am one. I'm not proud about it though. And you know that saying, 'YOLO', it never really worked. Sure, we only live once, but we live a lot longer than anyone else. Wanna know a fact? Vampires are the only supernatural known, to never die. I mean, unless they get staked in the heart of course. Except we don't have a heart. I mean it is there. But it doesn't seem to pump. I guess vampires are also the only known supernatural without a thumping, blood-pumping heart. The sad thing is...I don't remember what it feels like to have one...

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