Not Bad

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This day is exactly a bad day for Im Changkyun. Early in the morning, he got dumped by his girlfriend for almost a year just because she is attracted to another hot guy. And then, as if that was not enough to make him stressed, the chief in his workplace got pissed off towards him-okay, the chief usually gets mad at him-but, it was different. He was really mad. He even made a scarier face than usual. Changkyun knew exactly that was completely his fault for couldn't work as a pro. Working with his mind full of himself being dumped was a thing, really.

Then he decides to drink alone at the night in bar club that quite popular in the city. But, he barely realizes as he arrives at the club that-of course-a club is a place which was full of even more terrible woman than his girlfriend. And, he really doesn't feel like meeting a woman, whoever she is, at least just now.

After tells the bartender what he orders, Changkyun sits on the lounge, taking a place that far enough from the dance floor. He barely takes a look to whatever behind him, doesn't want his gaze to meet with someone strange; of course, especially a woman.

Unfortunately, as his drink is ready on the table, he feels a soft touch in his back. Shit, that is absolutely woman's fingers. Changkyun proudly admits that he has attractive appearance-at least his sense of fashion is good-but the fact doesn't help him sometimes. Then, the young woman-that he doesn't know and doesn't care who she is-comes closer and leans over him. Her perfume is too strong that it makes Changkyun feels his lungs are uncomfortably burning.

"Hi, Hottie. Ya' alone?"

As she finally speaks, Changkyun can't help but feels more uncomfortable. She seems not realized it-or maybe she doesn't care-though. Changkyun really wants to escape this situation, but he's afraid he can't.

"Mind if I sit here?"

Changkyun smiles forcefully as he shifts slightly, making a gap between them. "Uh, I'm afraid you can't," he says. "I'm already with someone else." Changkyun immediately regrets what he just said.

She straightens up. "Really? Then where's she?"

Shit. This woman is so fuckin' annoying. Perhaps he doesn't have any choice. After finishes his drink just by a gulp and leaves the bartender some money, he stands by the lounge. "Actually, I'm going to see them," he lightly says, not to spread suspiciousness in the woman's mind.

Then, he immediately leaves.
He walks through the crowd of human. The beat of loud music hits his head hard that it makes him feel dizzy. He barely takes a look back, but he already knows that the woman follows him still on purpose.

Goddammit. This is irritating.
As he is passing the crowd, Changkyun takes a look on his surroundings. He wonders if someone he knows will stand randomly among the crowd, calling him and escaping him from this freaky situation.

Unfortunately, he almost arrives in the other side of the room and nothing he can see but strangers.
He sighs loud, almost giving up. He walks a little more and catches a look of a table in the corner of the room. Someone is sitting there alone, but he can barely identify because of the dim light surrounds the table. It somehow attracts him to come closer. And, Changkyun casually does so. It's not like the one sitting there looks like his acquaintance. He himself doesn't understand. He just does it.

"Um, hi?" Changkyun speaks up hesitantly because-dammit-what the hell he doing by runs into a random guy? Now he has no idea what to do or what to say or what to put this situation into more a mess.

The guy glances up, meeting Changkyun's gaze. He is completely a stranger, but somehow Changkyun doesn't regret it at all. The guy doesn't immediately answer, he just smiles. Changkyun feels his heart beats quicker. Oh, God. His eyes are so beautiful. His hair is dyed blonde, it suits him perfectly. And, goddammit, his smiles.

Not Bad [WonKyun]Where stories live. Discover now