Linh Dan and PJM stared at Zoie with an upset look on their faces since they were interupted. Zoie glared back at them and said, "Well!!! Do toy know!!?!"
Linh Dan was confused and asked, "What?"
Zoie started to get angry, "WHO IS THE FATHER!?!!"
PJM then said," We have no clue who the father is! Go ask that green pickle roaming the streets!"
So Zoie ran to the "green pickle" and asked him," WHO IS THE FATHER OF MY BABY!!?!?"
The "green pickle" then said," Do a DNA test or something!"
So Zoie went and got a DNA test and it turned out Carson was the father! Then Noah barged in and said. How could you?! You slut!" and slapped Carson and started to make out with Zoie but Zoie started slapping him, but melted in the kiss and they kissed like there was no tomorrow.
After Noah and Zoie's make out session, Carson grabbed Noah by the collar of his shirtand they started to kiss. Then all 3 of them did the frickle frackle. Picklez heard a noise coming from the cave and saw them. They were caught in the middle of the act and it was devastating and they were so close.