The first victim

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-5:06 Am-

Ratchet awoke feeling horrible, he didnt sleep very well and waking this early made things even worse. He sat up, and rubs his eyes. The lombax scanned the room, feeling as though..somthing was wrong. He shrugged it off and walked to the bathroom.

'I'll take a shower later..' The lombax thought to himself as he started brushing his teeth. He scratched the back of his neck when he felt a pain on his stomach. He looked in the mirror, only to see a big chunk of fur pulled out, along with a scratch.

' i hurt myself yesterday while working on an invention?'

Of course! That was what happened! Maybe he covered it up and then forgot about it so he wouldn't get clank all worked up!


He hummed as he thought of the small robot. He pulled his shirt over the cut and then finished up getting ready. Ratchet walked out of the room, every light switch he came across was turned on. Ratchet never really liked the dark, for obvious reasons like a monster from one of those horror films coming out to get him.

"Hey clank?! You up yet?!"

Ratchet knew that the robot got up at odd times of the night, so it wouldn't be strange if he saw him up. Walking to the kitchen, ratchet got no response back so he figured the small robot was still sleeping.

Making himself some toast and getting out some orange juice for himself, and the lombax sat down at the table comfortable. He started spacing out, thinking about what he would do earlier that day.

..but something caught his attention. There was..odd writing on the wall. He stood up almost instantly, freaking out almost immediately. He was always the paranoid type so seeing this drove him over the edge.

The writing read: CHECK ON YOUR FRIEND.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit.." Ratchet searched through the knife drawer. He took out the sharpest and largest knife he had and then searched around the rooms. He slowly made his way, calling for clank, and checking for mass murders also.

Until..he came across the last door. He took a deep breathe, and opened the door. The room was dark, the only thing lighting up the room was the now rising sun. And there in the middle of the room..laid clank.

Ratchet turned the lights on, and his eyes widened. "CLANK?!"

His friend, was a mess of springs, gears, and cods. Nothing was left of the poor robot, and ratchet knew it was too late to save him.

He ran downstairs, and instantly called the poilce.

"Hello, wh-"

"Please help! My friend has been murdered!" Ratchet yelled, not letting the woman speak. He instantly gave her the information she needed and broke down into tears.

"Sir! I need you to calm down!"

He could hear the woman yelling now, but nothing was working. He kept yelling and crying.

It felt like hours passed but soon a cop grabbed him by the shoulders. They had to break down his door since the lombax was too much of a mess to open the door for them.

He could hear the poilce talking, but he couldn't say a word. The man then sighed and helped the younger one up. They walked towards the man's ship, and they drove to the police station.

A/N: Yay! New storyyyyy! Anywho, just letting you know now, this is a crossover story. The other characters will come later blah blah blah. But i hoped you enjoyed the chapter! Please comment and vote for this shit.

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