Important Things

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Hey, Ticci here! I have some good news, and some not so good news! I'll start off with the good news, because I can.

Our Women's Choir found out we were invited to a choral competition in November! It's full of prestigious, advanced choirs and we are super hyped! (Even though Mr. Whitaker is hounding us now just like he does with our Advanced chorus.) He believes we can win, and shake up a few of those other Women's choirs as well as mixed choirs. He even gave us a straight up Advanced chorus piece that happened to be in SSAA, (Soprano 1, Soprano 2, Alto 1, Alto 2) Which has 4 part Alto and 4 part Soprano splits! >:3

I also have a spot in Advanced Chorus next year! So yay! ^-^

I'm trying out for All-State Choir here in Georgia as well, which is very prestigious. I have to work on Sight reading as well as the given solo, Danza Danza Fanciulla Gentile! I'm super excited to try out! :) Then there is Literary, in which I'm trying out for a solo and Trio! ^_^

However, here is the bad news.

I'm failing Pre Cal. I mean hardcore failing Pre Cal. I made a 26% on a test yesterday. This means I will not be spending as much time around as I was. I need to get my grade up, I really do. I will still be taking care of Branchclan. WattyWarriors, and I will post art here and there, but other than that. i won't be as frequent. This is just until I can pull my grade up from the 61 I currently have in this class.

Anyway! In Science we have a project worth 10 bonus points and a review sheet worth 8. 18 bonus points on our next test! This is my project so far!

 18 bonus points on our next test! This is my project so far!

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I'll be inking it soon but my topic is Marine Biomes So ye

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