// yo, here's chapter two. BUT JUST SO YOU ALL KNOW, it's not graphic or anything but I don't want to see anyone be triggered. so there's a trigger warning in this chapter. thanks for reading.
- Here I am standing face to face with the boy I love. The boy I thought I love. The boy who actually ruined my life. He smells of tobacco and cologne, and his hands are dirty. "You didn't fucking answer your texts." Andrew mutters and storms inside, slamming my door shut behind him. I take in a deep breath and follow him slowly, "I was too tired." The expression on his face turns bitter and I see him grind his teeth together. "There's always an excuse when it comes to you, bitch." My eyebrows furrow at his remark and I bite down on my lower lip. It shouldn't shock me that he says that, because it's nothing new. But it still does. "I'm sorry..." I mumble and frown. He rolls his eyes and runs his hand through his dark, messy hair, "Sorry doesn't always cut it. Get me a beer." I nod and jog over to the fridge, pulling a beer out of the stash he always keeps at my house. He walks over to my couch and slumps down, and I follow him over, giving him the can. "Sit." he pops open the drink and takes a chug out of it before I nod and sit down next to him. Just being next to him makes me feel uncomfortable. It makes me uncomfortable in general to call him my boyfriend. No one knows what goes on behind closed doors. Not even Frankie. Not even my mom or dad. No me else at all.Why did you come over...?" I ask, breaking the silence between us. He quickly finishes the rest of his beer and throws the can from our seat to the kitchen. I'll pick that up later. "I was bored and thought we could have a little fun." Oh please no. I furrow my eyebrows, and I know exactly what he means, "Fun?" His fingers graze my thigh and I lightly push his hand away, "Please. Not now." Andrew scowls, "Why the fuck not?" "Because I don't want to." This isn't going to end well. "You don't decide what you do and don't do anymore, honey. You have no choice." He begins to kiss my neck and I jump up from my seat. "Quit it! I said no!" I wait for his reaction, his face burning with anger. I don't deserve this. He stands up and yanks my hair back, pulling me to him. "You don't say no to me." he says through gritted teeth. Andrew swings me over his shoulder and covers my mouth, and soon I find myself in my bed having my clothes torn off and tossed to the floor with him on top of me. I scream, and protest with tears streaming down my face, but he pulls my hair again. He won't stop. "Shut up, bitch. I can't enjoy this if you keep crying." Maybe I do deserve this after all.