Chapter 1

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(Third Person) POV

(Y/N) sighed, grabbing her necklace that rested on her neck. She looked around her.

(Y/N) (L/N). A girl who got everything she wanted, she was rich, well-known, and famous. Well, she almost got everything.

She wasn't happy.


Earlier that morning, she went to an old Chinese looking building, and immediately took interest in it. Inside, she saw an old man lying on the ground, desperately trying to grab his cane. She helped him, and went to school. But when she went to go and reach for her brush in her purse, she saw a box.

Inside was a necklace, and when she hesitantly put it on, her kwami was there, greeting the girl as Enzo, the panda.

After freaking out, she went with it.


(Y/N) didn't even make it to the door before reporters were up in her face, bombarding with questions.

"Is it true you know Adrien Agreste? Even since you were a child?!" "What is your bag made of?" "Do you...?"

(Y/N) blocked out the questions, heading into the school.

She looked around, seeing new faces, (except one face) while panting since she had to outrun someone inside the school. All except one, that is. "Adrien!" (Y/N) called, smiling and waving.

The said boy turned his attention away from his friend, Nino. He stared at her for what seemed like a few seconds. "(Y/N)? Is that you?" Adrien asks, smiling. She nods from across the non-roofed area.

To be honest, Adrien didn't recognize her; she had grown, she was taller, more beautiful, and just amazing looking. Adrien had always had a crush on her, in fact who didn't? She was better than Chloe!

Well, actually... who wasn't better looking than Chloe?

He walked up to her and hugged her. "Wow! You're taller now, Agreste." (Y/N) says as he smiles. "You're still shorter than me!" he says. She playfully turned with her nose in the air.

Chloe stormed up to the two happy people. "Who are you?!" Chloe asks obnoxiously. "(Y/N) (L/N). I'm sure you've heard of me?" (Y/N) says, smirking. "Oh, my, God! I know you! Awe, hey girl!" Chloe slung her arm around the annoyed said girl, rambling about being best friends.

(Y/N) slithered out of her grasp. "So, you're going to school here?" Adrien asks. "Yes, but I just managed to..." (Y/N) starts.

Suddenly, she's grabbed by the arm.

"...escape my body guard." (Y/N) sighs. "You can let go now. I won't be needing you today." (Y/N) says to her guard. "Yes, but your father instructed I--"

"Change of plans." (Y/N) says, "Father ordered that you go and grab these materials." (Y/N) handed the guy a long list of ingredients. "Yes... of course Miss (L/N)." he rushed off to get the supplies.

"Anywho, yes Adrien I am going to be--" she was cut off. A loud roar erupted from behind her. Chloe spun on her heel, rushing off and screaming. Meanwhile, (Y/N) showed no signs of fear.

"Why hello there. Goodbye!" (Y/N) runs away from the super villain, taking Adrien with her.

What is a super villain doing her right now? I just got my miraculous! (Y/N) thought.

"Okay... look I need a place to be alone. Trust me, I'll be fine, okay Adrien?" (Y/N) says to the worried looking boy. "But..." Adrien starts.

(Y/N) puts a finger just above his lips. "No. Trust me." she ran off.


"Phew..." (Y/N) says to herself, panting. She opens her purse, letting her kwami out.

"Ah, it smells like perfume in there." the panda says, holding his nose. "Very funny. As a teen model, I kind of need it." (Y/N) says. "Whatever! What do I say again?"

Enzo sighs, "Ears up." (Y/N) nods. "Ears up!"


(Y/N) cautiously looked around, opening the door. After seeing no one, she sprinted to where she last saw the beast.

When she got there, she saw a girl in a skin tight full-body suit that was red and had black dots everywhere. Next to her was a male, with electric green eyes and black cat ears, along with a black cat suit.

(Y/N), however, had black sleeves, black rounded ears, black legs, and a white stomach.

Honestly, she looked amazing and pretty.

The two superheroes were on the ground, with a huge ram animal human thing... on top of them both, since they were side by side. The ram held a pole, about to hit them with it.

(Y/N) frantically looked around and saw people in her school around the villain, to petrified to move.

She jumped off the balcony type floor, landing on her feet. "Awe... looks like the kitty didn't get the bug." (Y/N) says, twirling her necklace around her finger.

The two heroes jumped up, staring at the girl. "Well? Are we going to take it down or are you going to fawn over me?" (Y/N) says playfully.

"Panclaw!" (Y/N) shouts, throwing her dominate hand in the air as she grew sharp claws.

She calmly stepped over to the beast, while the girl and the boy moved out of the way. "Bye bye! Have a safe trip down!" she calls to the tall monster, swiping at its feet.

It fell, dropping a piece of cloth from its hand. (Y/N) grabbed it and tore it, while the monster screamed in agony.

An akuma flew out, and the girl 'de-evilized' it. She set it free, and the now colorless butterfly flew off.

"Thanks for saving my tail back there..." the boy started. "I'm a panda, but please call me Pandora." (Y/N) says.

"Got it. I'm Cat Noir, or your true love." the cat says, kissing her hand while 'Pandora' made a weirded out face. The girl next to him snorted. "Sorry about him. I'm Ladybug." she shook Pandora's hand.

"Your necklace is beeping." Ladybug tells Pandora. "Right! I'd love to stay and chat, but frankly I can't. Pandy out!" she falsely saluted, running away, jumping on the school rooftop.


(Y/N) sighed, sliding against her room door of her mansion. "Well, there goes my first day of school."

She soon ran out of energy, and transformed back into her normal self. "That was a fun first day of being a heroine, wasn't it Enzo?" she looks at her kwami that rested on the ground with her. "Guess not."

(Y/N) went over to her huge bed, laying her kwami down in the bed, then going right next to Enzo.

She soon was pulled into a deep, relaxing slumber.

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