A Story

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      The names Dan. I worked at a car shop for a few years with my best friend, Julianna. We were as close as close could get, we told each other everything. That changed a year ago when she met a guy named James. James was weird, he didn't work anywhere particular and he was an all around floaty guy with the way he traveled and spoke. He didn't tell us anything about himself from before he met us. Julie met him at a restaurant near where we worked, and she just started talking to him about how they were alike in a few ways. They both liked a few of the same shows, liked reading books, and just liked not having a plan. They both went with the flow of what was happening... and I think that's why she fell in love with him. She would disappear for a few days and come back tired, not wanting to work. I let her, I didn't want to be a jerk and she deserved to take a little break from whatever she was doing. I asked her where she went each time and each time she would respond with something generic and unspecific, like 'places.' or 'why do you need to know?'. I asked her if she went with anyone, and at that point she would get steamed and ask me why it was any of my business. I told her is was my business, we were making less money than usual lately and i thought her leaving every so often was why. She'd yell at me for a few minutes, saying I just wasn't working hard enough and then go to her room and slam the door. I decided to confront James about it, and he was just as vague. Julie and I were sitting at dinner one day in silence. I finally asked a question that couldn't be dodged: "Are you in a relationship with James?" She looked at me crooked, and then finally said yes. It hurt. I've always had a crush on Julie, and it hurt to know she was in another relationship, but I knew it would pass. Her relationships always do, and she always cries and I always comfort her. It just needs to pass, I'd tell myself, Don't let her hurt you again. It will pass.

>:3c ive had this idea in my head for ages, i just had to get enough inspiration to actually write it down! thanks for reading
- Nadia💫

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