Chapter 1: Cat and Mouse Game

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                 There's a fine line between freedom and captivity. I knew that best. Being on the side of freedom, or what i thought was freedom, I knew there were rules and regulations I had to keep in order to be a citizen in this country. Was I truly where I belong? If so, why did I feel as though the answer to where my heart belonged was on the other side of those tracks. I wanted so badly to wander into the dry silent and peaceful meadow that leads to the forbidden forest my mother warned me about so many years ago but I reminded myself of what mother whispered in my ears long ago: "Crossing those tracks would be turning your back on your family" and I couldn't imagine my life without them. They were the whole reason why i am who i am today. I thought back to my memories of my mother in summer time. When dad was away and mother would spend every minute she could with me. We'd watch movies;  read our favorite book: the Bible and mothers favorite activity experimenting  with different recipes! She had a heart so pure many people judged her but being an only daughter, I was lucky. She showed me her true colors and her lessons i will forever hold in my heart. By the time I caught myself staring off into the meadows again the clock at Wilton's corner had already chimed three times. I had been standing on my feet for three hours straight and needed a break badly so I decided to climb the tree that gave shade to the rail road!

                  Beaufort's train tracks hadn't been used in ages! The tracks now symbolized the line between two barangays; Ellis and Green Haven. Living in peaceful Green haven with a population of 46,784 people and the weather varying from 79 °F, its like your normal small barangay where everyone pretends to not gossip but in reality that's their lifestyle! Up til a week ago, Green Haven has never had a murder mystery on their hands. Now its all the barangay talks about. Normally their gossips never bothered me but when the victim is none other than Ruth Emerson; late wife to Dwayne Emerson the owner of Graceland, and mother of Emma Noelle Emerson, it bothered me big time.

                My mother was my father's whole life and the light in my life. People like to think that she committed suicide but i knew that wasn't true! She loved life! She enjoyed nature and long walks  on the beach. How can people think of her like that? It breaks my heart when i hear them gossiping about her as if they were close friends with her, which is one of the reasons i stopped going to church. And for most people they didn't notice but Mr. Murtaugh the preacher took a kin interest in it and decided to pester my father about it. Lets just say my father didn't take it well. 


          I turn around and gaze down at two men in a police uniform. Great my dad called the cops, I thought to myself as I descended from the sturdy tree which provided me serenity and safety from reality for awhile. When i reached the bottom, one of the men caught me from loosing my balance. 

          "Yes, what seems to be the problem?" I answer pushing him away. I didnt need anyones help.

          "Sorry to disturb you, miss. This is my partner Officer Greyson and I am Timothy ward." The officer who was much thinner than the other one said. He had hazel eyes and blonde hair combed back nicely. "Please allow us to escort you the rest of the way home."

          "Why? Did my father put you up to this?" I asked annoyed. Who was this man? And why was he using the term escort as if we were back in the middle ages. this was the 21st century where ladies could do just about anything men could do and i was no different. I wasn't fragile or weak. I can take care of myself, I wanted say but instead I bit my tongue. 


        I argued with him more wanting to know the truth. He was one of those who gossiped about my mother. I couldn't trust him. I couldn't trust anyone! Now that she was gone I realized I have been living  in a sheltered life and wanted to break my routine. I didn't want to just be known as the goody-two-shoe Emma Emerson! That part of me was over with. I was ready for a new adventure! 

           "Then why do you need to follow me like the creep that you are. If I am as safe and sound as you claim i am." I scoffed as i stared them down. They stood firm looking like a prison guard. All constipated and irritated. Maybe i was passing judgment too quickly.

          "Please don't make this harder than it needs to be. If we have to, we will arrest you."

         "Are you serious! " I yelled as I grabbed my stuff and pushed past them towards the highway leading back home. Before I even got back on the pavement, Officer Greyson exclaimed out loud, "Your mother's killer is on the loose...." 

          "What? Did you just say...." i asked as I spun around to face them. They both had on a straight face but their eyes told me how worried they were. They knew my mother's death wasn't an accident. They knew the killer would most likely be after my father or me. I was right and for once I wish I wasn't. The feeling that sank deep to the pit of my belly was killing me. I didn't like feeling helpless and paranoid. Was I next on the hit list???

        "Yes you heard correctly. We believe he has been following your family. He broke into your house while you were out earlier today." They said. I suddenly felt an empty feeling in the bottom of my stomach. What if they went after my father? Before I could even ask about my father, the officer assured me that he was alright! "But we need to get you home safe before night fall. So if you will please stop being a nuisance and submit to us that would be great help."        

        "Fine. But i want you to apologize first...." I spit out crossing my arms in front of my chest. They turned to face each other and then back at me as if they didnt have a clue of what i was saying. "...for starting and encouraging those rumors. I know it was you!"

        They both groaned but apologized nonetheless. Afterwards both men stood on each side of me as we walked towards their cruiser. As Officer Greyson helped me into the cruiser he asked me bluntly, "You do know why we started the rumor right?"

        "It was still wrong. My mother didn't deserve this! You disgraced her name."

       "We were only trying to protect the town from...."

       "A coward. That's all he is and your letting him win!.... You  took the easy way out and lied to them. So you may call your selves heroes by spreading that rumor but all you did was help the Killer escape." And with that, everything went silent because they knew I was correct. Like a mouse afraid of the cat, they ran away and sheltered the town away from any danger instead of standing up to it; believing, encouraging and fighting it head on! From now on things were going to be different, I thought to myself as I  had no other choice but to comply with their useless rules. After all I was a citizen just like them, right?

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