Chapter 1: End of her peace

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Y/n's POV

It was a beautiful day with the sun at its peak and a warm summer breeze flowing through Magnolia, Fiore. Y/n sighed to herself as she ran her fingers through her h/c hair. She whistled and smiled slightly at the sight of a couple walking hand in hand. Y/n wondered when her boy would come into her life... as she started to imagine her life, she felt someone jump on her back and growled.

"Aisha get off me, you dummy!!" Y/n insisted, trying to get Aisha off her back.  

"I love you too, y/n." Aisha replied, giggling as she got down, grinning at her. Y/n sighed, smiling as she hugged Aisha. No matter what y/n would never get mad at Aisha. After all, they had been best friends for so long, they basically considered themselves as sisters. Twins was more like it. Aisha had beautiful dark brown hair which went past her hips and the tips of her hair were mint green. Her blue eyes, the colour of the clear water sparkled in the sun and she had a sun kissed tan. Aisha to simply put it, was drop dead gorgeous and her personality was as well. Y/n snapped out of her thoughts and gazed at the girl before her. 

"Soo...? Daydreaming again? About my gorgeousness?" Aisha teased her, bumping her shoulder as they started to walk back to the guild. 

"Shut up, Aisha." Y/n mumbled, trying to figure out how she had practically read her mind. 


The both of them arrived at the guild as they entered to find the guild in chaos, as usual. 

"WOULD YOU TWO BREAK IT UP??!!" Y/n shrieked, looking at Natsu and Gray fighting again.

"Eh?" The fire and ice mage looked at y/n and Aisha and widened their eyes. "Oh damn it's y/n!!" Both of them yelled and hugged each other quickly. "We aint fighting, y/n!!"

"Right....." Y/n mumbled, glaring at Aisha who was silently laughing at her. 

Right then, someone threw a barrel at y/n's face and the whole guild fell silent as they watched what would her reaction be.

Aisha's eyes glowed a playful colour of green, matching the tips of her hair as she glanced around the room. "Who did that?" She asked, as she spotted Erza looking raged at Macaou. 

"HE KILLED MY CAKE!!" Erza shrieked, unsheathing her sword as a fiery red aura glowed around her. "PREPARE TO DIE, CHILD!" Erza told Macaou before running at him. 

Meanwhile y/n looked even more pissed as she had a bright red mark across her face.

" hit me..?" Y/n muttered before a beautiful, but deadly purplish pinkish aura surrounded her. "EPHEMERAL CELESTIAL DRAGON'S ROAR" A galaxy type of colour shoots across the entire room in a spilt second and it was over with a blink of the eye. As soon as it was over, everything that the magic had hit was absolutely destroyed. Half the guild members were on the ground, groaning. Only a few could survive that. That few was Aisha, master Makarov, Mira, Erza. (And all the strong mages, OK?). 

Y/n also spared the innocent ones like Wendy, Romeo, Bisca, Alzach...etc... (A/N: You get it.. right?)  

"Damn y/n, did you have to do that?" Master Makarov muttered as he went to sulk in his corner, worrying about fixing the guild hall.

"Im sorry master." Y/n mumbled, looking at Aisha. "Honey, lets go on a job. I need to steam off" She told Aisha, who was just smirking at her. "Wipe that smirk off your face while your at it" Y/n added, as she walked up to the job board. 

Aisha's POV

She glanced after y/n and just smirked more, as she made her way outside and waited for y/n to grab a job. Boy, Aisha loved y/n like her own sister. She sighed to herself, rubbing her arm. That dreadful feeling settled over her again, making her mood gloomy. It seemed like she was getting these feelings a lot.

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