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Brennan's POV:
Yesterday was amazing with Annie. I can't wait to see her again today!!! Everyone is still sleeping so I decide to check my phone and I get a text from one of my old friends...her name is Emma and we haven't talked in like forever so I don't know what she wants.
*background info on Emma*
Emma and I go way back. We've had a very complicated past and i don't want to revisit it, especially now. Emma used to like me in like 4th grade, but I didn't like her. Then I used to like Emma in 6th grade but she didn't like me. So I stopped liking her after awhile since she didn't like me back (obviously).

I didn't really know how to respond when Emma texted me. I like Annie and not Emma, no I love Annie. I hate Emma. (Texting convo below) ⬇️
B- Brennan   E- Emma
E- hey Brennan
B- what do you want Emma
E- well I just wanted to tell you something.
B- what is it...
E- I like you again...and I was wondering if you still liked me...?
B- no I don't like you Emma. I have a girlfriend and so I don't like you.
E- oh ok...well I'm in Florida this week anyways so i won't be seeing you anyways.
B- I'm in Florida too...where are you in Florida?
E- I'm in Miami hbu
B- me too...
E- maybe we'll see each other!!! Well I've got to go but I'll text you later!!
B- no I hope we dorm see each other and I'm not texting you ever again. Good bye.
I really hope I don't see Emma because I don't like her anymore. I have Annie and I don't care about anyone else. I'm praying that I don't see her...

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