
28 2 3

I walk up to Green

he's smiling I smile too

That only lasts a split second when Pastel walks up


She smiles


Green replies

And as they greet 

I see Yellow walking towards the library

Red is spilling out of her head 

I frown

Walking over to her

I stop for a minute 

She looks at me 

Time seems to stop

My breath becomes faster

Then she walks off 

I follow her

She picks out a book

"The simple ways to life"

I frown again

I watch as she skims the book spines with her finger

I walk in 


I squeak I get startled from the sudden voice that comes out


She squeaks back queasily 

Are.. you.. okay?

I breath


I pick out a book for her

"Oh the places to go"

She smiles

Walking over to the librarian 

She borrows it

Yellow Girl Blue BoyWhere stories live. Discover now