Chapter 10

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Kai's POV
It's been a few months since I proposed to ebony, Cole is standing next to me into the dressing room trying to keep me calm. I don't know how he knows I'm nervous but he does so I'm going to let it slide and hope that I can just relax soon, he placed a hand on my shoulder and turned me around. He fixed my tie and smiled a small smile.

"Thanks Cole..."

He chuckled.

"Your welcome you seem nervous sure you can go through with his...?"

I smirked.

"I know I can handle this...and I know I can go through with this...Cole she's the love of my life and I'm going to have a family with her."

My smile turned into a more loving one then I frowned saddened by my own thoughts.

"And if I lost her...I don't know what I would do...I'm not letting someone else get there hands on her... She's 6 months pregnant and I'm not losing any more time with her...I'm spending the rest of my life with this woman and...I'm not scared....I'm actually pretty happy."

I smiled brightly causing him to smile and nod, Cole, Jay, Zane, and Lloyd all went and stood with the girls they brought. I took my place at the alter, I saw the guys come down the aisle; my body felt heavy with anticipation and nervousness. Saying I was a barrel of nerves was an understatement, the music for my bride started playing making me feel even worse. As soon as she stepped into view I felt every thing in my body drain from her beauty, sensei gave her hand to me and smiled. I smiled and took it in mine, it felt perfect and made for her hand and only her hand. I tuned out and said the lines I was supposed to, I felt time stop as I heard the last words that meant I would no longer be alone.

"You may now kiss the bride"

I smiled brightly and lifted her veil, I placed my hand on her cheek and kissed her gently. She immediately kissed me back and put her arms around my neck causing me to put mine around her hips, I heard clapping as we kissed in front of everyone. We pulled away slowly and started to walk back down the aisle and got into the limo going to our reception, when we got there me and Ebony instantly greeted by a lot of people most were my fans wanting my autograph. Ebony didn't mind thankfully, she only minded when one of them tried to kiss me but I pushed her away she had dark brown hair and blue eyes. She was pretty but Ebony is gorgeous. I glared at the girl.

"What do you think you are doing?"

She smirked and hugged me, I didn't hug her back or touch her in the least.

"Hugging my husband~"

She pouted slightly and I figured out who she was I rolled my eyes and pushed her on her butt noticing for the first time she was in a wedding dress almost exactly like Ebony. I glared at her not noticing my hands lighting on fire.


Her eyes glassed over as she got up.

"I'm your wife Kai! You better show me more respect than that!"

I glared at her even harder.

"You are not my wife! You are not the love of my life! Ebony is! And if you can't except that than your crazy!"

Tears dropped down from her eyes as she covered her mouth.

"YOUR CHEATING ON ME ALREADY?! Kai I thought we were meant to be!? You told me last night "Samantha I'm not going to go through with this marriage and I'm going to marry you!" Was I some game to you?!"

I groaned not knowing what to do and not knowing that the table be hind me caught fire, thankfully Zane put it out for me quickly.


"I know you told me that was the cover story!"

Ebony's POV
I stood there confused and rubbed my belly, I knew this girl was lying but I pretended to be hurt just to please her.


My own voice sounded foreign to me but then again I needed it to look good, Kai looked at me hurt and scared.

"E-Eb you don't believe you....?"

The girl smirked at me, looked down holding my stomach.

"Your name is Samantha isn't it...?"

I heard her giggle.

"Yes it is~"

I looked up and smirked stepping in front of my husband.

"Then I guess your going to have to find a way out of jail. Cyber bullying. Stalking and harassment are the charges and that's a pretty dress but I pull it off better"

She glared right before she got taken away but the chief and read her rights, I turned to Kai who had a sad look in his face.

"What's wrong Kai?"

I started to get worried about him.

'Was my acting that good....?'

"You believe her...."

He looked down in an attempt to not make eye contact with me, I made him look at me and smiled at him.

"Kai I love you and I don't believe her and I never have."

He smiled and kissed me happily, I smiled into the kiss and kissed back.

---------time skip for 3 months and they are at the hospital--------

Ebony's POV
I feel exhausted but I still held the small little bundle that I had just delivered moments ago the doctor coughed making me look away from my son and to him.

"We need a name for him"

He smiled and I looked to Kai who was puzzled we haven't really talked about it but I have the perfect name for him. I turned back to the doctor and smiled.

"Conner Kai Smith."

He smiled and Kai kissed my cheek, he leaned close to my ear and by the sound of his voice I could tell he was smirking.

"I love it."

So who thinks I should make a sequel to this involving the other ninjas kids? I mean this is kinda fun writing about my own oc :)

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