Entry 1- The Beginnings

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My name is Falena Laylou. I am a lemon-blooded troll. I live on Alternia. Oh, and I'm half blind. Can't forget to mention that... Anyway, my tale starts at the beginning, back when I was a grub. I had a fairly normal early life... Except for one thing. My lusus, who was a moth, died while saving my life. From what, you ask? Why, none other than a conniving, murderous... Meowbeast. Well, when you're a moth, you can only do so much. So for the first few sweeps of my life, I was constantly on the run from something or someone trying to kill me, either for meat or blood or some other stupid reason. What a charming life I had.

But soon that would all change.

Not quite yet though, I suppose you would like to hear a bit about life as a wiggler on the road...

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