Finally at Disney Word

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  Chapter 4, Finally at Disney World

             Caitlin said, there is something I need to tell you guys

                 The Bonus family is

              the RICHEST PEOPLE

Ava and I barked as loud as possible . Loud enough that the driver stopped and rolled down the window and said, Is everything fine in here? Caitlin said, Yes everything is fine Mr. Loun, Mr. Loun closed the window. Caitlin said, I forgot to say I am a only child and that you will love Disney World, Ava and I went to sleep.

Time skip : Before lunch🐶

         Caitlin woke us up she said, Lunch time you chumps! For lunch is steak for us and salad, bread, corn, and  carrots. We all ate it up and Ava and I went to play tag on the fake grass after we played tag Ava and I went to sleep in our dog houses. We woke up in the middle of our naps and over heard Caitlin talking on the phone. She said,

Caitlin : Hi Krissy how are you doing?

Krissy : Good can't wait to see you at Disney World! We planned this perfectly without our parents even knowing! We are like spies on duty!

Caitlin : Yea like spies! We are going to be neighbors at the hotel right?

Krissy : Right! Which two puppy's are you bringing I am bringing Jissy my little German Shepard!

Caitlin : Yes your bringing Jissy she is the same age as the puppy's so everything is going to be ok!


Caitlin : Oh yea by the way I already picked we are in the limo! I am bringing Adri and Ava!

Krissy : Yea I love there names they are so cute!

Caitlin : See you there bye!

Krissy : Bye Caitlin!

They finally hanged up on there phones. They said we were going to meet a German Shepard puppy our age named Jissy. Jissy was a nice name and I think she was a girl. I fell asleep during Caitlin reading a book called Charlotte's Webb out loud Ava fell asleep a few minutes before me. A PUPPY NEEDS IT'S SLEEP TO!

Time Skip : After Our Cat Nap 🐶

I woke up in my doggy bed with Ava waking up the same time as me. Mr.Bonus said, FINALLY HERE!!!
It sounded like we were at Disney World! Ava barked, Adri what is happening? I barked, I think we are at Disney World. We both barked loud at the same time. We got out of the limo finally but it was pretty cool in there. Caitlin picked up our suitcases we walked inside a building and went to a lady behind the counter. The lady said, Hi I'm Raina. How can I help you? Mrs. Bonus said, We are the Bonus family we are supposed to be in room 999 the tallest one well there is another one up there you know what I mean. Raina said, Ok here are your keys have a nice time. We will , said Caitlin. We went up the elevator to 999 room. When we got up there Caitlin went to the other room 998 Caitlin nocked on the door and Krissy opened it they hugged. Mrs. and Mr. Bonus was surprised that they did that mischievous thing they did.

Caitlin : Hi I got to go to my room

Krissy : Ok bye!
Krissy closed the door and started to pack too. Caitlin went in the room with Ava and me in her arms. I was biting my suitcase Ava was doing the same thing. In the room there were two big beds and small dog beds there were balcony with plants and a HUGE TV. It was awesome! We settled in the room. Then we went to a place called Hollywood studios. There is a place just for dogs there.

By the way there isn't really a place in Disney that has a dog place and I think animals aren't allowed in Disney anyway. OK BACK TO THE STORY!🐶

But we walked right passed it. We walked out of Hollywood studios to a big castle people call it Cinderella's Castle when we got there fireworks went into the sky it was amazing! Right after that we walked to the hotel place and rode the elevator to the room. I ran to my bed but Caitlin picked me up and put Ava and I in the bath tub. The bath tub was huge! Caitlin turned on the faucet water came down Ava and l went to the back of the tub but water was going to hit us anyway! Soon the water hit us and our feet were soaked Caitlin picked us up and put us in the waterfall part it wasn't that bad because it was cold and hot at the same time! Then she scrubbed us with soap and shampoo!

          Time Skip : After the bath!🐶

We got of the tub! We are soaking wet Ava had a bubble on her so I popped it with my claws. Caitlin picked us up Ava first and then me. After that I ran to my dog bed. GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE, I barked!!!!

I hope you like chapter 4 can't wait to see you reading chapter 5!!!🐶🐶🐶🐶

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