Chapter 10

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Why would Gaara ask to see Chela and Imani's apartment? It's so strange. The Kazekage on this side of town is weird enough, what will the girls think when they see him on their landing? I lead him up the flight of stairs to their floor and down the landing to their door. What would he think when he saw their little, run down place? Of course they try to make it look nice. We all do. But there's no getting rid of some of those ghetto looks. Knocking on their door, I heard something fall over and Chela curse. Damn pack rats.

Chela's dark face peeked around the door, her equally dark hair catching the sun. "Kisa! Hi honey, what-" And that's the moment when she caught sight of the red haired man behind me. "Oh my. Imani. Imani!"

"What?!" Imani called from inside, coming to the door and lightly glaring. Until she saw us. "What the fresh hell is this? Get in here before someone see's you, idiot!" She ushered us in and quickly locked the door.

It totally slipped my mind what part of town this was and looking at Gaara, he dressed way to nice. If one of the Humana's, a local gang, were to see him, they'd try to rob him blind. They might even try to hurt Chela and Imani for being associated with him. Oh man. I was so preoccupied with what Gaara wanted from the girls, I didn't think about what might happen to them if someone saw him.

Imani held my shoulders, making me look directly into her green grey eyes. "Kisa, what the hell is the Kazekage doing here?" I looked over at him, looking around the small, dirty room in wonder and surprise. How is this surprising? Wait... he stayed outside when I packed up my place. Never mind.

"He asked me to bring him here."

"Do you know what could happen?"

"Imani, calm down."

"No! You are the stupidest little-"

"Bitch, shut it!" I yelled, not in the mood her constant scolding and hateful attitude. I don't know how a sweetheart like Chela can live with her. "Look, I brought him here because he asked me to. This is the guy I've been staying with, Imani."

Her eyes grew wide and she looked over at Gaara who was still looking around, oblivious to Chela's sweet admiring face. "So he knows?"

"Yeah. He knows." Imani didn't look happy. But then again, she never looks happy. Her long blonde hair swished as she walked to Chela.

"Come on short stack. Lets get the tea going."

Gaara's eyes landed on me as they left to the little 'kitchen'. It was nothing more than a corner of the room cut off by a half wall with a cheap stove that works on intermittent Sundays and a fridge that was old in the when they first came out. He came close to me, so as not to be heard. "Is this how you used to live?" I shook my head, knowing he wasn't going to like my answer.

"No. Imani and Chela both pay for this place so they can afford a nicer place than I could." His face turned cold and thoughtful. "Gaara, why did you want to come here?"

"As a Kazekage I have to know how my citizens live." I was about to ask him to expand that thought when Chela handed us tea.

"Drink it fast." I told him, gulping mine down with expert speed.

"Why?" And that's when the thin cracks in the cup started to seep, catching his attention and answering his question. So he tried to drink it fast but still not fast enough and a little dribbled out. Chela and Imani attempted to make conversation, but it was awkward. Gaara is, after all, a very important political figure. Finally, Gaara, yes... Gaara..., was the one to break the silence.

"Tell me something. Do you three enjoy the lives you live?"

Imani scoffed. "Who in their right mind would? We're treated like dirt and looked down on by society. This shit sucks."

"Imani." Chela lightly scolded. "I'm sorry. I think what she means is, it's no the ideal way to live, but it's all we know."

"The only one who ever had any fun in this line of work was Kisa." Oh no. I put my head in my hands, silently begging Imani to shut up. "But that's only because she's smart, and the old guys would hire her to be their dates to fancy events."

"So, you're saying if you had another choice, you would take it."

"Duh." Chela nodded her consent as well.

He got up from the couch and looked in thought. "As a Kazekage I can not turn away from my citizens who are in need. How would you two be if I relocated you to a nicer apartment across town and helped you find jobs?"

My heart stopped. He was offering what? "Of course your first few months rent would be paid by the village until you are able to support yourselves, as well as new furniture and dishware being given to you." Gaara... was this your plan the entire time to get them out of danger? Was this your plan to save them from a life time of selling their bodies for rent money?

Chela had tears in her wide brown eyes. "You mean... we're getting off the streets?" She asked in a weak voice. Gaara nodded and she buried her face in her hands, falling against Imani and crying her eyes out. Chela is the youngest of us at only fourteen years old. I'm the second youngest. Imani though... she's the oldest... seventeen, and even from her unbelieving eyes I could see a life time of dreams of being free of this life comeing true. She didn't cry. Just held Chela and looked at Gaara in shock.

My hands were pressed to my mouth as I suppressed the happy tears that threatened to fall. They can finally have normal lives! They can get away from the black shadow of Suna and learn how to work a real job! Chela used the bottom of her already dirty dress to dry her eyes. "Thank you, Kazekage-sama! Thank you!" She cried.

Imani rubbed her back and looked up at Gaara. "When are we leaving?"

"Tomorrow. I'll have everything set up for you and a few genin will be by to help you move in the morning."

"Oh my gosh! Imani, we have to pack!" Chela scurried to the back room that served as their bedroom.

Imani watched her go, her eyes, they were shining. I had never seen an emotion other than anger on her face, and now she looked at the back hall with a dream filled gaze. "She's free. That little girl is finally free to live her life right." And that was the first time I ever saw Imani cry.

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