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Most Of My Life I Have Felt Alone Even When I Was With People That Was Until I Met You- Caleb Rivers

I Have Never Had A Safe Place To Land And Now I Feel Like I Do- Spencer Hastings

When You Love Someone Its Worth Fighting For No Matter What The Odds- Aria Montgomery

Most People Who Are Supposed To Be Together Take A Break And Return Back To There One True Love- Hanna Marin

When We Kiss I Can Here Clocks Stop For A Minute- Maya St German


Its Like What Am I Going To Watch Tonight Jimmy Kemal Or Boobs- Aria Montgomery

Hanna Its A Funeral Not A Nikki Minaji Concert - Ashley Marin

What Does N.AT Stand For Anyway Need A Therapist- Alison Dilaurentis

Please Jenna Cant Hear Us She's Blind- Hanna Marin

You Know What They Say About Hope It Breeds Eternal Misery- Spencer Hastings

I Have Had Naps More Exciting Than This Party- Toby Cavanagh

Wait Why Am I Asking You, You Wear Forks As Earrings- Ella Montgomery

I Should Have Gone With My Husband And Chosen The Old Lady With The Diaper Breath- Veronica Hastings

I Cant Go Around Without A Phone. That's Like Going Around Without A Brain- Hanna Marin

What's The Juiciest Thing On His Status Update Ezra Fitz Joins The Mark Twain Fanpage- Spencer Hastings

Its all Fun And Sexy Until Someone Hacks Up A Hairball- Aria Montgomery

Wow, Toby Has Turned Our Boss Into A Romantic- Emily Fields

That's A Very Pretty Dress But You Should Know It Gives You Back Fat- Caleb Rivers

I Think You're The One Who Needs A Trip To Oz. See If The Wizard Can Find You A Heart- Hanna Marin

No Its A Brain Thing- Emily Fields

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