Meet 99goonsquad

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Hi my name is Samantha that is what I said to Jovian at the meet at greet I was so nervous me and him took a picture and he gave his number and he gave me his bracelet.
                Jovian's said to Julian dude I meet this girl who is so hot and I got her number she gave me a kiss she cried on my shoulder
                     I had to move to Miami because my mom and dad got a new job and my friend is going to and I got really mad because I had to leave my step sister so we went to our new home and I got my new room  it had a window and a bathroom and then on
Julian and Jovian home Jovian said hey mom told us to go to the neighbors who moved and Julian said we will go there in a bit ok Jovian he said sure and then they came to my house and Jovian said babe you live and I was like yeah and I told them to come and I said my mom is in the room and my dad is getting food and they said ok and then I got a phone call that my dad got in a car accident and he didn't make it I told my mom and my friend and me and my friend went back down stairs Jovian and Julian told us what happened and we told them what happened and they give us a hug we told them if they can stay and they said yeah and then they had to get cloths and at are home they were three rooms. I ordered pizza and my ex was there and we said nothing and we watched a movie we laughed a little bit I took a shower and Jovian walked in when I was naked and he said omg I am sorry I walked in then I said that was ok then he walked out and Leiah stayed down stairs to do some things with Julian and my mom was going out with friends because she needed to plane the frunnel with someone. Then it was me, Leiah, Jovian, and Julian then after we all went for froyo so we went walking and when we were walking a guy came up to me kiss me I said hey back off of me and he said come on baby then Jovian punched him and Leiah said are you ok and I said yes Julian said Jovian stop and let's go

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2016 ⏰

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