The pilot

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A/N: Hi so I thought I would start writing a story so here it is. Sorry I suck at spelling :/

There had been so much anticipation for this night and now that it had finally arrived April couldn't help but feel disappointed. That's the trouble with having high expectations, they're always let down. Tom, her boyfriend of six months, sat opposite her. Everything about him screamed nervous. She'd asked multiple times what the matter was but he'd only mumbled some nonsense about making decisions. What ever that was supposed to mean.

They had only been at the restaurant for a few minutes but April was growing hungrier and hungrier by the second. She already knew what she was going to order, the pros of preplanning where you're going to eat for dinner. When she noticed the waiter approaching their table she sat up a little straighter in her chair, eager for the promise of food.

"Evening, are you ready to order?" the exceptionally short waiter asked. Just as April was about to say her dish Tom beat her to it. 

"Ah, would you be able to give us a few more minutes please" said Tom. The waiter left leaving April confused, she thought she felt her stomach start sulking. She did not want to wait another few minutes, she couldn't understand how Tom couldn't hear her stomach grumbling and moaning just across the table. She studied Tom for a few moments, he had a light sheen of sweat across his forehead. He nervously fiddled with his fork, picking it up and putting it down every few seconds and she could feel his leg underneath the table bobbing up and down.

"Are you alright? Are you sick or something?" she asked becoming more concerned by the minute. If he was going to vomit she definitely wanted it to be in the men's toilet and not all over the table with the nice warm complementary bread.

"Okay April" he said as if he was about to start a sermon, "There's something I need to tell you" he looking at her way to seriously for her liking. "I think I'll just make it quick and easy for you and say that I'm breaking up with you" he sat a little further back in his chair as if bracing himself for her response. His face immediately returned to a much more healthier and human colour.

"Um okay" for some reason that she couldn't understand April was oddly relieved. She kept thanking God that he didn't ask her to marry him or something like that. She had feared the worst. Tom looked at her confused waiting for a bigger reaction. As if to pry a response out of her he then said "I can understand if you're angry. We have been going out for six months now" he indicated around him at the restaurant which had been their celebration of their sixth month anniversary.

"Okay" April said again slowly not sure whether she should be crying hysterically or throwing things at him but she only really felt hunger. "Why?" was the only other thing she could think to say. Never had she been so stuck for words.

"Well, I'm not going to blame it on either of us but I just can't see us going anywhere. You know that I love you but I'm starting to think that maybe I love you but I'm not in love with you." She knew that she should be slapping him for that line, but she almost didn't care.

"Okay" April nodded slowly unsure of what to think about his complete utter bullshit. She was at least thankful that he didn't say the dreaded 'it's not you, it's me' or 'I just hope that we can still be friends'. Tom started to get up and she didn't know what else to do so she followed his lead and walked out the restaurant door with him.

"Uh I'm really glad that you're all okay with this" he hugged and patted her on her back awkwardly. "You'll be alright for a ride home I presume" he began backing away from her awkward standing stature. He cleared his throat and then with a final wave and unconvincing smiling that April had once fallen for "I just hope that we can still be friends".

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2015 ⏰

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