Coffee, It Started With Coffee

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     Yoongi had taken the final gulp of his coffee. The thing he hated most, but couldn't stop drinking. If coffee was considered a drug then yoongi most certainly needed rehab by now. He hated it. Not because it was bitter. Not because he related to it in the way that most people didn't like it without changing a certain aspect of it. He hated it because of what it did to his mind. He's had horrible anxiety for a long time but it probably would be better if he stopped drinking all of this. He knew the caffeine wasn't good for him. He also knew if he stopped things would get bad.

      he tried once to stop drinking it. He tried just drinking water. That lasted a week. That week was filled with horrible headaches him being late for work twice and being more bitter than coffee at its plainest form.
He didn't know what was worse, the fact that he was pretty much addicted to coffee, the fact
that if he tried to stop he would experience horrible withdrawal or the fact that he worked at a damn Starbucks itself.

      Every morning he would wake up for the earliest shift at his job. He'd do his normal morning routine of showering, getting dressed, having breakfast finally ending with the walk to work.
They were allowed to have a cup of coffee free since they worked there and that's how yoongi would stay awake for his job. He didn't put anything in coffee since he saw no point. It was already making him worse so why would he make it so fancy.

       He hated coffee even more since he a natural tiredness to him which wasn't helped by the increasing depression. His friend, namjoon who worked with him in the mornings was always worried about him and instead of saying everything wasn't ok, he would tell him he's fine in a flash a smile and go back to working on orders he had gotten.

    Hehad too many walls, to tell the truth. His other co-worker, jimin, who he had known since childhood and were now working the same job together. Yoongi beinging their hyung made him not want to break even more. He needed to set an example right? He had to be strong. Being strong wasn't even hard for him anymore, it hadn't been since high school. It was around then that he started consuming his drug that was coffee. Back then consuming it was a good thing for him, it made him relaxed. It calmed him, but later in his life, he would feel the effects of all of the coffee had consumed.

as Yoongi continued his daily thought process of how he hated coffee but loved it too when he was snapped out of it early by jimin. "hyung you're falling behind on the orders, is something up today?" Yoongi shook his head and began catching up calling out names with his voice that would become horse by the end of his shift.

 As he was catching up he noticed jimin had a bigger smile on his face than normal. "Did I miss something jimin or are you always this happy?" "I finally ask him if he wanted to come here." He said smiling even larger than yoongi thought a smile could be.

"him" was Jungkook jimin's crush that happened to be in one of his college classes. It was nice to see jimin so excited over him. He was glad that jimin was happy over somebody else and not him. He was glad the joy came from love, not the answer "yes jimin I'm happy today."
"That's great, I'm proud of you" he had said truthfully. "will he be here while im still on shift, after all, I gotta make sure he's good for my precious min min" I said patting his head and jimin laughed. The nickname had come from when one-time jimin was introducing himself and he wanted to say something different. He was embarrassed about at first but it's grown on him. "yes he is and he said he might bring a friend.." He said then going back to taking orders.

when he heard friend he hoped this boy wouldn't cause jimin to be pulled into a crowd of people he didn't know, he knew jimin disliked that very much. He also hoped he wouldn't forget about him when he started hanging out and maybe dating jungkook. Jim in was his closest friend after all. Sure he'd still have namjoon but he had his boyfriend Jin and yoongi could only stand the gushing mess that was namjoon talking about Jin for so long. He hoped jimin would get like that if him and jungkook started dating.

I heard the door open followed by a gasp from jimin "oh god yoongi he's here does my hair look good do I look decent at all" yoongi put a hand on his shoulder "you look fine, trust me" he said while staring at the door he saw a boy with black hair who was definitely taller than jimin but also definitely younger than jimin. Behind him was boy with brunette hair that looked extremely soft, was about the same hight as the boy in front of him. He had pink lips that looked too soft to touch. Yoongi felt something tug at his heart but thought it was the effects of the coffee settling in.

"so which one is the one" "the one with the black hair" for some reason that made him relax a bit he wondered why since just a second ago he felt the caffeine attack. He wasn't sure what was going on but he sorta ok with it as long as he didn't break down in front of everyone.  

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