Movie Night

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  [we are in Yoongi's P.O.V. once more]

Yoongi sat on his couch looking at his phone. He was staring at the text conversation him and jimin had just finished. Jimin had invited him and the rest of the group to a movie night along with jungkook and taehyung. Yoongi agreed even if he was nervous to be near taehyung again after this afternoon. He wanted to keep the promise he made to himself, he wanted to get to know taehyung.

He had to leave for 7, and thankfully the trip to jimin's was short since they lived close to each other. Generally, they lived close to their workplace, just on opposite sides of it. Yoongi was glad he had his friend in walking distance of him, it calmed him a bit.

Checking the time on his phone it read 4:50. Was he at the studio that long? Yoongi came to the conclusion that it was because he was thinking of taehyung for most of his time there. Time always went faster when he thought of taehyung. It moved at the same pace as his heart.

He was now laying down taking up the entire couch. The thought of sneaking in a quick nap passed through his mind but he quickly threw it away. He knew if he fell asleep he'd be horribly late to his friend's house, which he didn't want at all. He had a feeling the main reason jimin did a movie night was that he couldn't handle a movie with just jungkook alone. The younger was shy as it was but jungkook made it worse. Hopefully, he could break free of it soon and let his feelings out towards jungkook. Yoongi shook his head. He didn't need to worry about jimin, he knew he would be fine.

Instead of laying around worry about his friend, yoongi stood up and began pacing around the room. He was wondering if he should apologize to taehyung for earlier. It seemed like the right thing to do. He looked at the time again and about 20 minutes had passed. He figured he should leave in 15 minutes so that way he'd arrive either on time or a few minutes early. Being punctual was always important to yoongi and he wasn't about to stop that now. But what would he do for the next fifteen minutes? The couch looked comforting and so he decided to lay there and think a bit until the time came to leave.


Yoongi arrived on time to jimin's apartment, looking the same as it did last time he was here. It was tidy except for college papers strewn about the coffee table in front of the couch. "punctual as ever yoongi" jimin said with one of his famous genuine smiles. He stepped to the side letting yoongi in.

As he walked inside he heard a familiar, golden laugh. The one that made his heart go insanely fast. Yoongi could already imagine the smile on taehyung's face. He could
feel the tugs in his chest once again. "Jungkook and taehyung are in the kitchen making popcorn" yoongi nodded. Should he apologize now or later he thought. He concluded later since taehyung was happy right now and yoongi didn't want to remind him of his cold tone.

"did you tell jungkook yet" I questioned jimin, the blush on his face explaining he knew what I meant. "I almost did, but then I lost my courage again" he said with a chuckle.
"have you been thinking about what i said still?" God, he was still going on about this? Although, yoongi was still thinking about it very much. "Maybe" was all yoongi said. "hyung that's sweet you're developing feelings" nothing stopped the glare on Yoongi's face when he said that, causing jimin to shut up.

"hyung the popcorn is finished!" Came from the kitchen, it was jungkook. "great bring it to the living room" it was then that Yoongi noticed their other friends were absent. "where's the other three?" Yoongi question. "Jin hyung and namjoon hyung had a date night planned already. Hobi hyung said he got stuck with a late shift because someone didn't show up." Yoongi nodded. So it was just him, jimin, jungkook and taehyung.

He saw the two youngest walk out of the kitchen and over to the couch, sitting down. Jimin had sat next to jungkook leave the only seat left next to taehyung. As he sat he could feel taehyung tense up. He looked over at the younger "hey, I want to apologize for earlier. I was too cold to you." Taehyung nodded a small smile forming on his face.

They decided to watch the shining, jimin being overruled by the other three. Yoongi wouldn't have agreed if it didn't mean jimin having an excuse to be close to jungkook. This was sure to get at least jungkook to say something about the two shared feelings.

As they watched there were countless small yelps from jimin when something scary happened. Yoongi heard a yawn next to him and then suddenly a weight against his right side. He looked over at a sleepy taehyung slightly cuddling up to yoongi. This caused Yoongi's heart to speed up tremendously. It was faster than what normally happened. Yoongi wasn't sure if he liked it. His chest felt like he drank 4 cups of coffee and was feeling the anxious affects of it. Still, he didn't move away or make it seem like he didn't want it. Instead, he moved so it was more comfortable for taehyung. He stole a glance at him and saw his smile once again. It was a sight he wanted to see forever honestly.  

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