Happy Sixth Birthday

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K so I'm putting Bill n Will's birthday around the end of June.

One year later...

It had been about a year since Dipper had adopted the twins, Bill and Will. Tomorrow was their birthday, and Dipper wanted to do something special.

"Come on Will, at least try!" Bill groaned at his brother for the tenth time. The blue boy clung to the wooden part on the back of his bed.

"Nuh-uh!" Will shook his head frantically, "Th-they're not supposed to w-work until we're s-six!"

"That's only tomorrow!" Bill rolled his eyes, "Look, I can already kinda sorta float- and I'm the younger twin!"

"B-but you're more, well, physically fit than I am," Will said.

"Oh, whatever," Bill complained, "Fine, be a crybaby! I guess I'll just get to brag that I got my powers first."

"Mm..." Will looked over the edge of the bed. It wasn't that far down... "Alright, alright I'll try!"

"That's my brother!" Bill smiled, "Just jump!"

"O-ok," Will took a deep breath and went to jump. He prepared himself to land on the floor, but it didn't happen. Instead, when he opened his eyes, he was floating upside down.

"You did it, Will!" Bill cheered. He smiled a wide, upside down smile.

"I-I did?" Will squeaked, turning to float right-side-up, "I did! Bill, I did it!"

"Great, now it's my turn!" Bill smiled. He went to jump off his own bed, but didn't float, "Ow."

"Kids, lunch time!" Dipper called from the bottom of the stairs.

"Oh boy!" Bill stood right up, "Race you downstairs!"

Bill ran out the door, Will following behind him. They both laughed and ran side-by-side until they crashed into Jill. This caused the three of them to tumble to the floor in a big pile.

"Oops, sorry," Bill said, floating slightly/pushing himself up, "Let me help you."

He held out his had to Jill, who took it and stood up.

"Thank you," The girl said, brushing her dress off, "Whatcha doing?"

"We were racing to the kitchen," Will explained.

"Ooh, I wanna join!" Jill said and ran off, "Catch up!"

"Hey, no fair!" Bill laughed and ran after her, Will in last place. They reached the kitchen, where Dipper was setting up dinner.

"Woah, easy there," He said as Jill slid into his legs, falling backwards, "You ok?"

"I'm fine, Mr. Pines," Jill smiled.

"Haha, that rhymed," Bill laughed.

"So, you guys excited for your birthday, tomorrow?" Dipper asked, helping Will and Bill into their chairs.

"Uh-huh!" Bill nodded, "We get all of our demon powers tomorrow!"

"Hm... right," Dipper nodded. It wasn't unusual for Bill to say stuff like that. Hell, it had been going on for almost a year. But that was what worried Dipper. No child stuck to a game this much- not even Mabel!

"Well I can't wait to see your powers," Jill smiled, "They seem really cool."

"They are!" Bill nodded, "We'll be able to change forms, and go into the Mindscape!"

"The Mindscape?" Dipper repeated, looking over at the kids, "What's that?"

"It's like the place in your mind," Bill explained, "Where all your memories and stuff are stored."

"Hm, interesting," Dipper said.

That night, Dipper tucked the twins into bed.

"Well, this is it, guys," He smiled, "When you wake up, you'll be six."

"Oh boy, I can't wait," Bill said excitedly.

"Well get to sleep, then," Dipper said, "The faster you fall asleep, the faster tomorrow will seem to come."

He moved to the other side of the room, where Will was nervously playing with the edge of his blanket.

"Something wrong, Will?" Dipper asked, tucking the end of the blanket in.

"I sense that you don't fully believe us," Will said, avoiding eye contact, "You know, about the demon thing."

"Wow, you too?" Dipper smiled softly and shook his head, leaning over to kiss Will goodnight, "Get some sleep. We'll talk in the morning."


Bill was the first to wake up. He sat up and looked around, then over at Will. He didn't feel any different, and Will certainly didn't look any different. He focused on doing something- anything. Eventually a small, blue flame spark in the palm of his hand. He laughed, looking at the slowly growing ball of flame until it was about the size of a cherry.

"Hey Will!" Bill called over. His brother sat up, yawning and stretching.

"Morning Bill," Will murmured, looking over at Bill. He smiled softly at the grin on his face and the ball of blue fire in his palm, "Cool, Bill."

"I know, right?" Bill asked, "Think fast!"

With that, he tossed the fire ball at Will. The boy squeaked and deflected it, but that caused it to bounce back and hit Bill right in the eye.

The scream echoed throughout the entire shack.


"Tell me again, how did you say this happened?" Dipper asked, trying to remain calm. He had woke up from his sleep by a loud, piercing scream, and had rushed to Bill and Will's room to see Bill clutching his eye and Will apologizing over and over.

"Will hit me with a fire ball!" Bill sobbed, holding an ice pack over his eye.

"Well you threw it at me!" Will retorted, "I said sorry- I panicked!"

"I don't think it was a fire ball," Dipper said, checking Bill's eye. It didn't seem to be getting better. Instead, it seemed to be a milky white. Dipper could barely see Bill's pupil, "But whatever it was, it's serious."

"But it was a fire ball!" Bill repeated, "Here, I'll show you!"

He focused again and conjured up a ball of blue fire in his palm. He didn't throw it this time, instead letting to spark into existence and then burn out.

"Woah!" Dipper took a step back, amazed and shocked, "Maybe there's something to that demon thing after all..."

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