Accidental Smexy Sadness

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"I want cuddles~"

"Ugh~ But you're so far~"



"We're right next to each other lazy ass."

"But cuddles involves movement~" Rogue complained, leaning on Sting and rested his head on the blonde's shoulder. "That's so much work~"

Sting rolled his eyes and wrapped his arms around the smaller male's waist.

"Hello~" Rogue smiled lightly, snuggling a bit closer to Sting. "Ew I moved. See what you do to me you adorable bastard!?"

"Babe you moved before I did that too and I didn't do shit."

"You existed."

"I love you too."

"Mhm~" Sting pecked the black haired boy's lips. Rogue went pink.

"You're so cute you little bean."

Rogue turned a darker pink. "Sh-Shut up..."

"Nope, my little shadow." Rogue's face turned a bright red. "Cute lil' baby boy."

"Sh-Shut up~" Rogue whined. Sting grinned and nibbled slightly on the red eyed boy's ear. Rogue squeaked, squirming a bit. The blonde moved from there to behind his ear, kissing softly. Rogue squeaked and squirmed again, turning a brighter red. Sting tightened his grip around the boy's waist, kissing the spot a bit harsher.

Rogue continued to squirm, letting out a soft moan in the process. The blue eyed boy played with the end of Rogue's shirt, grazing his teeth over the spot every once in awhile. Rogue moaned slightly again, shivers going down his spine. Sting slowly lifted up Rogue's shirt, trying to get it over his head. Rogue helped a bit, turning a bit pink again.

Sting muttered something under his breath, something about Rogue being too hot for his body to handle. Rogue's face heated up even more, as he was a Dragon Slayer and could hear Sting clearly. Sting made the effort to move and straddled Rogue's hips, leaning down and kissing the shadow mage. Rogue returned the kiss, closing his eyes in the process.

Sting slowly rolled his hips against Rogue's, groaning softly as he did. Rogue bit the inside of his cheek, trying not to make much noise. Sting went back to kissing the spot behind his ear. Rogue bit his cheek a bit harder, trying not to draw blood. Sting let his hands roam Rogue's torso. Rogue bit his cheek even harder, drawing blood.

Sting, obviously smelled the blood and raised an eyebrow at his raven haired partner. Rogue stopped biting his cheek, smiling a bit and hoping that would excuse the smell of blood. Sting chuckled slightly and shook his head, continuing to work on the spot. Rogue's breath hitched slightly, and he squirmed a bit under the blonde. Sting groaned from Rogue's movements, moving his hips a bit more against his partner's.

Rogue moaned slightly, squirming again. Sting continued to groan and move his hips. Rogue moaned again, closing his eyes. Sting eventually moved from Rogue's neck to his collarbones, sucking and biting on the area. Rogue continued to squirm under the blonde, his breathing patterns a bit uneven.

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