Highschool Crush

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Highschool. A 'lovely' time. Especially when your biggest crush happens to be one of the most popular guys in the school and would never pay any attention to the shy emo kid with anxiety. That sucks, right? Well, that's the case for our favorite Shadow Bae, Rogue Cheney.

Rogue sat at the back left corner of the class, reading a book about dragons. The subject interested him, as he was raised by a dragon. He also liked the back of the class, as no one really talked to him, and the teacher never called on him while he was hidden behind everyone else. As class got closer to beginning, all the seats except for the one next to Rogue began filling up, leaving the last unlucky person to enter the class with the 'punishment' of sitting next to the kid no one liked.

As if on cue, Sting Eucliffe walked in seconds before the final bell had rung, signaling that class was now starting. He quickly scanned the class for a spot before seeing the open one next to the red eyed boy in the corner, and walked over.

Rogue cursed under his breath as the one he suspected hated him the most approached. It's a shame he had that assumption as well, as Sting happened to be his crush. The black haired male sighed, continuing to read his book and praying Sting would just ignore him, like some of the kind souls here did.

But, Sting just flashed the boy one of his smiles and sat down. He sort of gave up the vibe that he woke up later than expected and sprinted to school. His hair was unkempt more than it'd usually be and he looked like he just threw on whatever was laying around on the floor of his room.

Rogue flinched slightly as the blonde sat down. He was trying to ignore Sting as well as he could, as he didn't want to make a mistake then suddenly one of the most popular kids in the school sent him and his army of supporters to drive Rogue to suicide. Lots of people had already done that, to the point where basically the whole school was leaving awful notes in his locker, and doing things then blaming them on Rogue, just to have the satisfaction of seeing him in trouble.

Sting took out the things he'd need for class before just slumping in his seat, he looked like he was tired but he tried to hide it. Though it failed miserably; probably because his sleeping schedule is way too off.

Rogue quickly glanced at the blonde, before sighing and shaking his head, returning his focus back to the book. There's no way he'd actually like me back, Rogue thought, frowning to himself a bit. Who'd possibly like the shy emo who doesn't talk?

Sting took his own quick glance at the boy beside him, then back to the front of the class. He's heard pretty bad things about Rogue, but being the genuinely nice guy he is, he believes none of it. Especially since he's had people tell him that they purposely got the boy in trouble or said hurtful things.

Rogue tied his shoulder length hair up into a ponytail, as the room was hot. He sighed, putting in a bookmark then closing the book, going to put it into his bag. As he wasn't really paying much attention, he missed the pocket, and the book fell to the floor, skidding a few inches, causing the red eyed mage to curse under his breath.

Sting's eyes trailed to the book Rogue had dropped, and he bent down to grab it. Handing it to the pale boy next to him and giving him a warm smile.

"Thanks," Rogue said, to the point where it was barely audible to normal human ears. He quickly swiped the book, stuffing it into his back and turning away from Sting and looking out the window, avoiding any kind of eye contact at all.

"No problem." Sting replied, turning back to the front of the class.

Rogue sighed, putting his head down on the desk and hiding his face in his arms. He's gotten no sleep at all the night before, as he usually never does. Every time he manages to fall asleep, he's awoken just moments later due to nightmares haunting.

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