Chapter One: The after affect

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 my heart is beating to fast.

my hands were shaking too much.

my mind was racing.

Remembering all the happy memories I had with him. They seemed to be getting stronger and stronger each time I see him. He was the one that made me happy for the first time.

But now when I see him he will also bring back all the painful memories. They are nice in the worst way possible.

'' Hello, Melody, snap out of it.'' Jenny snapped her fingers at me. I did not notice that I was staring at him, I got lost in my pondering thoughts.

''Are you ok? You look like you're about to cry.'' Jenny was right, I could have cried a river.

he glanced over to where we were sitting, I turned my head really fast before I meet his eye.

''Are you thinking of him again?'' I looked over at Jenny and tried not to break down crying. She could tell I was thinking of him by the look on my face.

Richard Ray.

We went out for seven months, I felt like everything was perfect. He was sweet, caring, loving and I liked how he kept me happy, we seemed so great with each other but I guess he did not feel the same because we broke up on a friday last week. I was so sad that day and could not be in the same room as him. It felt like my whole world came crashing down. The break up was out of the blue, I did not see it coming at all. I have heard rumours the day before but I did not pay any attention to them.

My friend told me the reason he broke up with me was because I told Jenny that I liked Jeremy Lane when I was just messing with her, I did not think it would get this far or even affect my relationship with him but it did.

''Ring! Ring!''

The bell rang and lunch was over, I made my way out of the lunch room as fast as I could. I hate running into Richard. There are times when I just don't eat lunch because whenever I think of him I get so sick and I don't even know why.

Jenny was running up to me, she got left behind in the crowded hallway. I forgot all about her because I had to go to math next and I hate math. It's the fact that i'm not good at it and it's just that Richard is in my math class, which is also the same place he said the heart breaking words.

"We need a break".

"Wait for me Melody!" Jenny came running up behind me and we both walked fast into class. We sat next to each other and that was good because if we did not i would feel so uncomfortable.

Richard walks in the room with Jeremy, I start to shake and well, I was I was a mess in math class. I could not even think-well or even write down a single problem without shaking. The good thing is that Richard sits down across from me until the teacher said, move to the seat next to me. He hesitated at first and the teacher asked him if he had a problem with the seat and he said no. My heart rate just keeped getting faster and faster.


My heart was pounding and was about to jump out of my chest. I could not stand it at all. I asked Miss. Lence if i could go to the bathroom, she said yes and i ran out and threw up all my food. I felt so sick when Richard sat next to me. My day was just getting worse and worse.

Fourth block went by so fast and it was weird, but the good thing is that the school year was over.

I made my way to the bus parking lot and tried not to trip, but I did.

"Hey! Watch out!" I heard an angry voice, it was Andri lee. She was the very popular girl who has a "cute" accent that everyone loved. She just seemed to be the face of perfection, I hated it. The great thing is that the school year finally ended, I was on my way to becoming a freshmen. I was leaving my middle school years behind me and I was so happy about that. The summer is something to look forward too because I don't have to see anyone from school anymore. The best part is that I am moving so I don't have to be stuck with them next year.

As I got off the bus I could see my family with boxes already in the car, they started to pack sooner than I thought. As I walking inside I could see that they were almost done packing, they even packed up my things. As I looked at the things in the boxes I saw some things that Richard gave me. I put them in the trash because I was just tired of being sad. I am not letting him ruin my summer with the destructive aftermath he left behind. 

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