Chapter One: Failed Another Bechdel Test

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Dear M,

Please wear this shirt during our games with the Callaway High this fortnight. It would be highly much appreciated.


Oliver Sulkin

Here's  the thing.

I don't know who Oliver Sulkin is.

Okay that's a lie.

I knew who Oliver Sulkin is. He's basically on top on the social ladder with the other kids who run Jackson High. Captain of the lacrosse team. Yep. Total mainstream. Whatever. But why would Oliver gave me a shirt?  Is this some kind of a prank he's trying to pull of? Because if it is, I'm not buying it. I mean, it's pretty lame. Actually. If you would ask me. There's thousands of ways Oliver could have done this, in better ways. But I guess he's not using his head or clearly just run out of ideas. This questions my thoughts about men sometimes. But that's another day.

And who uses the word fortnight? I bet he just picked it up when he stumbled it in SAT.

But the point is? Why would he? I mean, Oliver and I are not friends. But we're not not friends. If you know what I mean. We shared two classes this year and in that two classes we don't share a talk. Really.

Maybe this shirt was supposed to be for.. okay let me think. I looked to the crowd in hallways, searching for a clue.

Well it didn't take me a minute because there she is, strutting herself in hallways with her perfect creamy butter blonde bob and her perfect bode. Everyone looks at her. She responds with her perfect white smile. The only lacking right now is a background music.


I uttered with a bit of repulsed as I saw her. Not that I hate her. Melissa is kind, gentle and yes sweet. Everyone adores her. Everyone wants to be her. Who wouldn't? Melissa is a straight A students, president of every club this school has, if that even possible. But c'mon this girl could do no wrong.

Yes, it's definitely for Melissa. I said to myself and as I approach her.

'Maddie.' Melissa said and give me a small quick hug.

'Hey.'  I replied with an enthusiasm.

'Have you already audition for Drama Club?' She said straightaway. 'This year were doing something big and special.' She adds.

'I-- not yet. I mean, wouldn't it be weird. Me? In Drama club? I couldn't even fake an act when I make excuses to my Mom. Ha!' I replied with a small chuckle.

'You're funny. But isn't it this year? Our year as Seniors, to do something bold. Like our last hurrah. You know, making statement.'

'I know." I replied with a small sighed.

'Years from now, we could look back at this and laugh. You probably be saying, I couldn't believe I did Drama back in high school. No biggie.' Melissa said as she makes small gestures in the air.

'It wouldn't really matter though. I mean, in the grand scheme of things. high school is just like a specks. A small one.'

'If you say so. But let's enjoy high school while it last.' Melissa said with much positiveness.

'Uhm, yes.' I replied with a tight smile. 'By the way, Melissa. I have something for you.' I said as I handed the shirt with Oliver note on it to her.

Melissa eyed the shirt. Smiled. And put it right away to her backpack. Not even bothering to tell me what's what.

'I should probably go. And Maddie, don't forget Drama Club auditions start at fortnight. Be prepared.' She said as she tries to walk away from me.

'Wait. Melissa.'

'Yes?' She looked back.

'Are you not gonna ask me? If  who gave it? You know the shirt.' I asked with much curiosity.

'Oh. The shirt. Its from Oliver. Right?'

'Yes.' Now I'm more confused.

'Thanks for making him a favor. I already expected him to gave me something liked this. We'd talk over summer.'

'Oh- okay.' I replied looking dumfounded. Like, I should know that the two of them hanging out over the summer.

'Thanks though. See you when I see you Maddie.' She continues her walk and disappear in the pool of people.

'Well that's weird.'

Before I could move to where I'm standing somebody crept into my side said. 'What's weird?'

'Gosh! You scared me Olivia.' I said exasperatedly.

'Pftt.' Olivia rolled her eyes. 'So what's weird?' She add.

'What's weird? Well Melissa suggested I should try to audition her Drama Club? I replied omitting about the Oliver because I don't want to make a fuss or making it like a big deal. And knowing Olivia we're probably just talk about boys once If I started talking about Oliver and we're gonna fail another Bechdel test. Which were making it a thing over the summer.

'Really? Well you should.' She suggested. 'Remember when were sophomores you got an A for that English drama project you had on.'

'But that's different.'

'No. The only difference is..' Olivia stops and think for a sec.

Now I'm baffled. 'What?'

'OMG.' Olivia squeal suddenly.

'Your making me crazy.' I said irritably.

'I just had an epiphany. This is like kismet!' Olivia said excitedly and then add without a pause. 'You don't want to believe this. I, myself couldn't also.' She said as she rest her two hands on my shoulder. 'I heard that Emilio is trying, well I don't know if it is trying, but whatever. He's auditioning for this year Drama Club.'

'Wait did you just say Emilio?'

'Yes. Emilio Aguinaldo, himself.'

Now we both squeal.
And failed another Bechdel test.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2016 ⏰

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