A thin, shadowed shape stalked a mouse, before she could get close enough a twig snapped and it darted away, the cat looked up to see what disturbed her hunt. Another cat was walking through the thick forest, his pelt was silvery grey and his eyes reflected the moon. "Hey! What do you-" the she-cat cut off abruptly as she realised who the cat was "streamsstar?"
The other cat turned his head, then ran through the trees. "Father! Wait!" Ritestar burst into the open, her brown and white pelt stained with mud. Eventually streamsstar stopped, and stared below him into a pool. "Streamstar, what's wrong?" Asked ritestar, staring hopelessly at the starclan warrior.
"Streamsclan is dying. And it's your fault!" Ritestar's voice sounded from the pool, ritestar remembered after streamsstar died she had blamed twilightstar, and said those exact words.
"How can you blame her-" streamstar paused while her turned to face ritestar, his face clouded with greif-" when it's my fault the clan is dying."
"How?!" Ritestar's words where lost as her dream faded to be replaced by thundering rain, and her dry moss nest.
"That dream again?" She murmured to herself, watching as the rain fell steadily over the camp, two warriors ran to get the remains of the freshkill and brought it to the medicine cat den. Ritestar sighed; hunting had not been good this moon, as she saw in her dream.When the rain eased off the camp was busy with warriors and apprentices getting ready for patrols and training. Ritestar looked for her own son and found him sleeping, deeply, and he was soaked to the bone. Ritestar poked tailpaw's brown matted fur and he roused awake. "What have you been doing?!" Queried ritestar.
" i went out for a little, trying to hunt, not getting far." He replied. Ritestar caught the worry in his cloudy blue gaze, but instead of provoking him she nodded "ok, your mentor will be waiting." Ritestar trotted out of the den, she wanted to talk to flowleaf about her dream."Ritestar, you can't go on with the beleif that twilightstar killed streamstar, they where friends weren't they?" Flowleaf meowed when ritestar told her about the dream once again. "Twilightstar had kits with a kitty-pet! I can never trust her." Snapped ritestar.
"You don't have to trust her, just forgive her, for something she never did." Flowleaf said coolly.
Flowleaf rarely ever got angry, ritestar decided to leave the conversation at that.Ritestar was eating a thrush when a black she-cat bounded over to her, ritestar immediately recognised lusapelt. "Ritestar! There's trouble at the border!" Lusapelt meowed, ritestar bolted straight up and followed lusapelt, she led the way through the forest toward the cliffclan and twilightclan border.
When ritestar peered through the trees she made out twilightclan and cliffclan arguing, she creeped closer, and closer until she got up and padded toward the river that marked the border. "You did!" Yowled the twilightclan cats. "Shut up! Mouse-brain!" Hissed one of the cliffclan cats.
"Stop!" Yowled ritestar. When the clans stopped to look at her she continued "what is going on?"
"Cliffclan stole a kit!" Hissed redjet, a fox-red tom.
"Well?" She looked at cliffclan. The cats narrowed their eyes, "the kit belongs with us." A black tom with one white paw stepped out of the cluster of cats. "I'm an apprentice!" Hissed a white she-cat with light brown tips.
"Peekpaw!" Featherstorm jumped forward, a cliffclan cat swiped at her and she jumped back.
"Cliffclan is the best! I want to stay!" Retorted peekpaw.
"If it's her choice..." Ritestar started.
"No cat asked you!" Hissed featherstorm, she was on the verge of fighting, her neck fur was bristling and her claws where unsheathed. Her leader, blackstar, put his tail on her shoulder to calm her. "If peekpaw wishes to stay in cliffclan she should be allowed to." He meowed comfortingly. "Ritestar, thank you, you have helped enough."
Ritestar nodded and padded through the trees, lusapelt joined her, together they tried their best to hunt, but on near-empty bellies they caught no more than a mouse each. Ritestar though of all the things going on in the clans; tailpaw disappearing every night, cliffclan stealing kits, then her dream.
Random fanfic warriors shorts
FanfictionRandom shorts: 1. Ritestar's pain (finished) 2. Lion's roar (finished) 3. A bloody river (W.I.P)