Lion's roar

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"I'm lion, who are you?" Asked a ginger tabby she-cat, in front of her stood an older tom just like her.
"Reedstripe." The tom answered, looking partly hostile. "This is streamsclan territory."
"Oh!"- lion recognised the name. "My mum's been there, she's a tortoiseshell and white she-cat with yellow eyes like mine!"
The tom's eyes widened, in fright? In surprise? Lion couldn't tell.
"Does- she have- black- at all?" Asked reedstripe, his words coming out between gasps of air.
"No.." Lion meowed hesitantly.
"Bubbles." Reedstripe gasped.
"You know her?!" Lion couldn't understand his surprise, he knew her mum, so what?
"Where is she?!" Demanded reedstripe.
"I'm not telling." Retorted lion, enjoying the power she had over him at the moment.
"Show me!"
Reedstripe struck out with his claws, scoring them down lion's leg. Clots of scarlet splashed the leaf-covered ground. Lion opened her mouth in a scream but nothing come out.
"Fine! Jeez!" She exclaimed, forgetting about the pain, walking back the way she came.

"Lion! What happened?!" Exclaimed a white tom with black tabby stripes.
"I'm fine spark, this mouse-brained cat wants to see bubble so badly he lashed out at me." Growled lion.
"You didn't fight back?" Asked spark, surprised.
"To be honest i was just enjoying being stubborn." Admitted lion, flinching as spark wrapped cobwebs around her leg.
"Ok, so who's this?" Asked spark when he was done.
"Reedstripe of streamsclan, here to see bubbles." Reedstripe introduced.
"I'm spark, bubble's littermate. She's in her den, follow me." Replied spark, trotting toward a great oak tree, lion followed, bubble's den was an old fox den under the roots, spark and reedstripe padded inside. Lion stood next to the den, listening.
Bubble and reedstripe greeted eachother then spark came padding outside the den. "They'll need some fresh-kill." Spark meowed. That was code for 'don't just stand there, go hunt' lion stood up and padded into the forest to hunt.

When lion returned reedstripe, bubble and spark where chatting away, she had caught a rabbit for each of them and two mice. Lion dragged her prey over to them and listened.
"And then i said, mice? Are you crazy?" Reedstripe was saying.
"Then-" reedstripe started.
"Ehem!" Growled lion, chucking a rabbit toward him and one to each of the others. Lion sat down eating while they kept chatting, she was furious! How could they sit there listening to that mouse-brained clan cat?!
"One time tigerstar told me to do the dawn patrol and a hunting patrol at the same time!" Reedstripe was saying.
"We all had a big crack up over that, tigerstar isn't a very good deputy, luckily his deputy returned to normal duty soon after."

Lion finished eating and padded to her den; maybe her dreams will sort out reedstripe.
Lion found herself in the forest crouched over a bloody body, her blood ran cold when she realised it was her mother, reedstripe was also there, with spark. "What happened?!" Lion demanded.
"She risked her life for your father." Meowed spark.
"Who's my father?!" Lion demanded.
"I am." Meowed reedstripe, his head hung low.  

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