Part Two

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Monday nights, Baekhyun would slip inside Chanyeol's dorm room and climb into bed with him. Chanyeol would stir, but end up wrapping an arm around his tiny boyfriend, and Kris would wake up the next morning with another roommate.



Chanyeol stood outside the house that he once shared with Baekhyun for a short period in time. He remembered the promises that he had held and the hopes and dreams that they had, but at that moment, past things like that were dust to him, because they were things that he hadn't thought of in countless months. Gathering up his courage, he lifted up his hand and knocked on the door. He expected the door to open and to be greeted by Baekhyun, but it took longer than he had thought and the person who had opened the door wasn't his soon-to-be ex-husband.


The young, pleasant-faced girl that had opened the door smiled up at him. "Hi, there." After a small pause, she asked, "I'm guessing you're Chanyeol."

Nodding, Chanyeol confirmed. "Yes."

"Well, come in," she said, stepping aside. When Chanyeol was inside, she closed the door behind him. "I'm Luna, by the way."

"Nice to meet you," Chanyeol said, holding out his hand.

"Thanks!" she replied brightly, shaking his hand. "Baekhyun should be down here any minute." Then, with a softer, but sadder look, she said, "He's been expecting you."

It hurt Chanyeol a bit to hear the words, but there was no helping the truth in them. He had filed for divorce and he was sure that Baekhyun got the notice two weeks prior. Of course Baekhyun was expecting him. If anything, standing in that foyer made him slightly nervous as to how Baekhyun would react. He imagined Baekhyun yelling and screaming at him, shedding tears with eyes that sought for blood.

But this image didn't hold up. When he looked up on the staircase where Baekhyun was making his entrance, Chanyeol caught the smile that used to make his heart stop—and it still did. Chanyeol stood at the entrance of the house, heart-stricken and heart-stopped by Baekhyun. Snapping himself out of it, Chanyeol approached him slowly. "Hey."

Walking towards his husband, Baekhyun opened his arms. Without even waiting for Chanyeol to make the first move, gave him a hug, before pulling back at an appropriate time. "Hi, giant."

Chanyeol's lips thinned. He didn't want to be called "giant" anymore. It brought back too many things that would drift him off course from his purpose. "Don't call me that anymore, Baek."

With his mouth slightly open, Baekhyun nodded understandingly. "I'm sorry," he said with a laugh. "I forgot that we were divorcing. Of course." Patting Chanyeol on the arm, Baekhyun turned on his heel and crooked his finger. "Let's move over to the living room, okay? Luna, can you go make Chanyeol some tea? I'll have water."

"Do you want lemon, Baek?" she asked.

"No. Just plain."

"Got it," Luna said, clicking her tongue and making her way to the kitchen.

Chanyeol watched as she left, wondering about Baekhyun's relationship with her. In his mind, Kyungsoo's words reverberated. Maybe Baekhyun found someone just like how he found Kyungsoo. They both found people who were convenient to be with.

Once seated, Chanyeol studied Baekhyun's face. "You look a little...tired, Baek. Sleeping alright?"

It took a moment, but Baekhyun nodded with a smile. "I've just been working a little hard lately. That's all."

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