There's a toad on the train!

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This fanfiction is based on the Millie Snape Harry Potter AU by tasha_tkd . 

As The Hogwarts express crawled out of King's Cross station, platform nine and three quarters drew away and disappeared in a puff of smoke almost as if by magic.... Millie's eyes filled with a mixture of wonder and nerves at all of the different cats, owls, rats and is that a toad? They were sitting in cages causing a cacophony of noise. Her eyes searched for someone to sit and hopefully create a friendship with. Golden hair and cornflower blue eyes met her jade green ones . A silent question that was likewise answered. They sat down in the nearest compartment and looked out of the window at the countryside racing away with them. Finally , Millie broke the comfortable silence by introducing herself.  "Hello, my name is Millie... Millie Snape." she said with only a slight air of confidence.     "Oh, hello Millie! My name is Poppy, Poppy Malfoy. Nice to meet you." Poppy answered politely, her voice had a slight northern accent to it. Millie wondered why that was, as all of the Malfoys she had met were very british indeed. She voiced her quiry but it was only met with "It's complicated and I'm not quite up to telling you just yet. It's not you, just my brother kept me up almost all night complaining about seeing Harry Potter again at school.  He is such a baby!" Millie sat shocked as she processed this information. After a while she managed to burst out "Your brother is Draco??? You two are nothing alike! I saw him at one of the balls you guys are always throwing" Poppy nodded and turned her head to the door as someone came barging through. "Have either one of you seen my toad?" a concerned and panicky looking boy asked, looking under their seats as if his life depended on his toad. The girls were in utter shock the boy left looking even more frantic then he had entered the compartment. "What's up with him?" Millie asked her new companion. "I don't know, he must really need that toad..." Poppy agreed although a tone of thought coloured her voice. "Oh, don't do it Poppy..." Millie warned. Poppy looked up at Millie and smiled "Come on! he sounded really worried! I think we should help him!" she pleaded. "It's not our problem Poppy! Do you seriously want to go running around with that second year loser trying to find something that isn't even ours?" objected Millie. Poppy had to turn to last resort measures "Alright... Well how about this, I heard that the homework is really hard here so if we are in the same house I will do your homework for the first week. Deal?" muttered Poppy as if she was trying to do something illegal.  "....fine" muttered Millie as she stood up and opened the doors for herself and Poppy. Luckily they didn't have to walk that far to find the boy who now looked close to tears. "Excuse me but if you want we could help-" began Poppy. "You would?" Interrupted the 2nd year boy, "My name is Neville by the way..." They all set off together to find the toad that they had just found out whose name was Trevor, Millie grumbling the whole way.

" They all set off together to find the toad that they had just found out whose name was Trevor, Millie grumbling the whole way

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                                                                     Tiny Toad Timeskip

                                                                   (about 5 - 10 mins later)

"Gotcha!" Millie cackled whilst picking up a small toad. "Thank you! I never would have found him without you!" Neville beamed. "It was no problem" Poppy chimed in. With toad safely back with his owner, Millie and Poppy made their way back to their compartment and continued to chat until they reached the station as both had already changed, much to the dislike of the muggles that saw them.

- End of chapter one -

Hello! Thank you for reading the first chapter of this fanfiction inspired by tasha_tkd so do give her a follow if you ever have the time. It would be greatly appreciated if you voted or even added this to your library. Comments are always welcome and I will respond to them when I can! you reading to the end of this is greatly appreciated and remember to stay tuned for the next chapter and I will see you there! 


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2016 ⏰

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