
41 3 7

Tagged by beauty-yi and @cupcake_Cutiex


1.) Write 5 facts about yourself.

2.) Publish this in a book if you're tagged. Don't answer in the comments.

3.) Post all the rules.

4.) You have a week to finish this.

5.) No backing out!

6.) Tag 15 people.

Lol I'm not tagging anyone since again like i said, i have 0 friends. But here are the facts:

1.) I consider myself to be a bit short since i am in the 8th grade now and everyone is atleast 5'3 here. Yes, i know there are some people below my height but that's just how i feel.

2.) I am super insecure about my body.

3.) My first kpop group was Big Bottle. But first official group was Got 7

4.) I do not like pie.

5.) I am very awkward in real life.

I tag


Eh there's no point of tagging when i know they aren't going to do it. Peace.

I expect this to have 2 views by the end of the month :) please reach my goal.

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