(Note:Being the craziest logophile and a lover of colors, I actually visualise a color whenever a hear or read a word which I cherish!
And,I've been wanting to bring the feeling out with a poem, which i hope would amuse and amaze the reader!☺
Here it goes...)Letters blend to give rise to words
Like colors pave way for the birth of million shades!Evanescence reminisces sepia!
Memory takes back to black and white!Music pops hot pink!
Dance rocks wine red!Marvelous is miraculous as the indigo!
Magnificent is magnanimous like Russian red!Splendid is classy like arctic blue!
Resplendent inspires like
strawberry pink!
Inkoglobin Soul [#Wattys 2016]
شِعرEach page dyed With thoughts smeared with star dust Each verse constructed with, Meticulously chiselled sentences...✍ Drown into this mesmerizing ocean, From which, You won't want to rise whatsoever.☺ To be forma...