Chapeter Two:Finale

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(Its now back to current time Snow and Casey are playing in the playground when they stop)

Snow:Casey it's getting late,and i have something to tell you.

(This seems suspicious as Snow is sweating in the cold)


(Casey walks over to Snow and Snow takes a deep breath)

Snow:Casey,I-i like you.

(Casey grins a bit)

Casey:I know,I like you too,thats why we are such great friends.

(Snow frowns before taking a deep breath)

Snow:No,Casey,I....I dont just like you I like you like you.

(Casey's eyes widen and she goes fridged,although this may seen strange,Casey could not be more happy)

(Tears form in Snow's eyes,she starts to run off when Casey grab and hugs her)

Snow:What are you-!?!

Casey:Snow,I like you too.

(A large grin forms in snows eyes)

Snow:Lets head inside.


(They both walk into Snow's house as its closest to the park,Casey sets her jacket on the rack,While Snow does not have one)

Casey:Why do you never were a jacket?

(Snow sighs)

Snow:I have a condition that made me not be able to feel the cold.


(This is all Casey can say as she has never heard of this condition)

Snow:That's why my mom and dad named me Snow-Mom and Dad!!!!

(Snow's eyes widen and she jumps to her feet and drags Casey up)

Casey:Whats going on.

(Snow flings her out the door)

Snow:Sorry about this,but my parents don't know about you,and they said i would be in trouble if I didn't introduce any friends to them.

(This is alot to swallow but Casey nods her head and runs out)

(Snow breaths a sigh of relief before noticing that Casey left her jacket,she never took it off and it was cold,Snow knew what she had to do,she grabbed the jacket,and ran outside as fast as she could to Casey's house,but the snow came down faster and much much stronger,pretty soon her legs were covered in snow)

Snow:I...have to......have to get to Casey.

(She slowls down and speeds up at the same time,she trips on a rock and does not get back up)

Snow:Wow....the clouds sure are pretty today.....i wish Casey could  have seen this,haha.

(She closed her eyes and fell asleep)

(She didn't wake up)

(Her funeral was scheduld on the first of march)

(when the day came after the funeral from now on,Casey vowed to despise snow,and winter and christmas in general,all she had left were her parents and her brother Klaus,who even though didn't know what was happening,seemed sad for her)

(Over the years she gradully got bettershe loved the snow alot more then she used to,then on the day of the graduation,it snowed for the first time in nine years,she went to the graveyard after,to Snow's grave,kneeled down and said)

Casey:Snow,I miss you very much,you were my best friend,and my crush,I wish you were here,At what have been our gradution,but,its just mine.

(She breathes a slow shaky breath)

Casey:Snow,I still have that jacket,it doesnt very well fit me though.

(Tears stream down her face and her voice crack)

Casey:You did something for me that costed you your life,and for that i am forever thankfull.

(Just then Snow's father,William walks over to the grave)

William:So,you must be Casey.

(Casey looks over in alarm,not noticing him)

William:I am Snow's father,William,when she left,we discovered a key on her,it opened a draw,and in it,was a letter addresses to you.

(William hands her the letter and walks off)

Casey:A letter,what does it say!?!

(She fumbles with the letter but gets the letter open,and it reads:)

Snow's voice:Casey,if I die,I want these to be my last words to you,don't forget me,my mission in life is to be rembered,even by just one person,and i want it to be you,Thank you for everything you have done for me,I want this last thing I do,I want to do it for you.Unfortunatly I can't think of anything else,so this is cliche but:
I really really like you,I enjoyed the times we played in the snow,the times we helped each other study,the good times and the bad times,Most of all,I enjoyed your company,so I sign This letter-Love Snow.

(The letter is short and hard to read as the paper is wet,But Casey read it all anyway,her tears were ending and she stood up and walked back to her house,tommorow is the day she went to college,she was leaving all this,and for once in her life,she felt the support of Snow being able to guide her.The end)

*To end any confusion Casey did live,but she changed her look and name,and was perfectly sane,She has 3 kids, and a husband,so this was an adventure,it will all be finished in The journey to San Antonio*

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