Chapter 29

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Is not like there was a rumor about him that he had a sex change or something. People just knew that he survived cancer. Sure, he would be receiving a bunch of 'Congratulations' and 'Wow I can't believe you did that's from people, but they would eventually stop. When lunch ended, I walked over to Aaron and he was more upset than he was earlier in the day.

"Oh, come on, it can't be that bad," I said, lacing my hand with his. "It is that bad though. People act so fake. I can't handle it."

"They're not being fake Aaron," I said with a chuckle. "They're just being nice. It's the nice thing to do when someone survives cancer."

"This all could've been avoided if somebody would have just kept their mouth shut," he said raising an eyebrow at me. "It wasn't me!"

"I'll believe it when I see some evidence."

"Oh you'll be seeing some evidence alright," I said quietly to myself, thinking about the Hailey. "What was that?"

"Nothing." I pestered Hailey for days before she finally broke.What could I say? When I wanted to know something, I wanted to know badly."Oh my god if I tell you, will you leave me the hell alone?!" Hailey whispered violently across the library shelf. I had followed her into the library and spoke to her through a bookshelf."Have I ever talked to you before this?" I said with the same sass she always seemed to use when I would bother her.

It was still completely strange to me that someone so introverted could carry so much sass, but you can't believe everything you see, can you? She scoffed before walking around the bookshelf and meeting me on my side. She checked around to make sure no one was around before speaking."So I'm sure you know that your boyfriend got in a car accident or whatever, right?" My eyebrows creased together. "What? You know he has cancer so that rumor is obviously out of the question...."

There was no way he could have been in an accident that could have killed someone."So what you're saying is he killed your cousin in a car accident?"

"Precisely. Now leave me alone, okay?" Hailey said before turning around and walking away."Wait," I said, tugging her arm and spinning her back around. "Has this all been settled?" She crossed her arms and nodded her head. "Yeah, I guess. It was settled the day after. My family's getting a bunch of cash from the lawsuit."

"Oh..." was all I was able to reply with. And with that, she left me and wandered off into another aisle of books. Walking back to the cafeteria, I felt sick. Sure, I knew it was part of Aaron's personality to hide things, but something like this seemed so significant. How could he hide it from me so easily? What else was he hiding from me? I spotted my group of friends and Aaron's sitting at the same table.

They all seemed to be deep in conversation with each other. I would've been ecstatic about the fact that our friends were getting along well with each other, but obviously it was a little hard to be happy when I had just found out my boyfriend was hiding the fact that he killed someone. He had a clear spot next to him that was probably open for me, but I decided to sit at the end of the table, away from him and next to Chris and Aaron's friend, Austin.

"Hey where've you been?" Chris asked me. I caught Aaron's questioning glance at me as I replied."Oh just went to the restroom is all."

"But you went during fourth period," Liam added. I mentally slapped myself. It was the easiest excuse I could find at the moment. "Girls have to go when they have to go," Austin said, relieving my pressure of trying to find an excuse. The guys immediately dropped the subject because anything even alluding to the menstrual cycle seems to make guys feel uncomfortable. Except Austin of course, who was more mature than teachers it seemed. "Shouldn't you be sitting with your boyfriend?" Chris asked."I don't need to be attached to his him just because were dating," I said, immediately forgetting my harsh tone."Whoa, did you guys get in a fight or something?" We're about to...

The bell rang, signaling the end of lunch. I had spent the whole lunch sitting away from Aaron. But he was in my next two classes, so my plan for avoiding him wouldn't work out so well. He was already standing up and walking over by the time I even grabbed my bag and stood up. He tried to grab for my hand when I stood up, but I pretend to shiver and cross my arms in attempt to seem cold.

Luckily the wind blew at that same moment, so it didn't seem so fake. "You cold?" he asked, placing an arm around my shoulders. I feel slightly guilty for being upset with him, but I quickly get over it when I realize that he had been lying to me."Just a little," I said, rubbing my arms. He started talking about a party Kaï is throwing and went off on a tangent on how fun he thinks it'll be. I tried to listen, but the voice in my head got louder and louder, and I couldn't fight the urge to confront him."Aaron..," I interrupted. He stopped talking and sent me a confused look.

"I heard some people talking about seeing you in a car accident." "That's funny. People still seem to believe the lie we planted a while ago. They probably thought an accident on the freeway was me or something," he said with a slight chuckle. Man, the boy was a good liar. He was totally unfazed by my attempt to get the truth out of him. I had to just go in directly with the kill. I sighed and peeled his arm off of me. I stood in front of him and crossed my arms. "Last weekend Aaron. When you told me you were at home all weekend, were you telling the truth?" I thought that maybe I'd give him a chance. If he decided to come clean, I wouldn't be so mad at him.

"Yes of course I was home. What are you getting at, babe?" he asked with concern on his face. I almost wanted to forget about the whole thing because I hated it when he looked at me like that, but I couldn't just let something like a case of manslaughter slide.

"Why are you lying to me, Aaron? In case you've forgotten, I am your girlfriend." "I'm not comprehending what you're trying to say..." He was still dragging out his lie when I was still giving him chances.

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