Standing in the rain.

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(Changed the POV to third person, and named 'you'/the main char. Seth.)

The 'cure' Sherlock offered her worked, for that night. But after that, she knew she had to keep everything to herself. She could pass his 'inspections'; after all, she has been living with him for quite a while now.

It was another rainy morning in the heart of London, and Seth stared outside the kitchen window, at the rushed people trying not to get too wet. It was useless. You couldn't survive a day in London without an umbrella, or something to save you from the pouring rain.

She sighed. Drinking the last bit of her morning tea, she went to clean the cup and let it fry while she headed for her room. Seth dropped on her bed, and yawned,stretching out."Shouldn't have gone to sleep when the sun rose.."She commented to herself. The girl looked around the room, and her eyes fell on her cupboard. Biting her lip, she stood up and opened it, taking out the Westwood coat she got to keep since four months ago. She didn't want to wear it, because then she'd have to wash it, and his smell would go away. She'd hate that.

Folding the soft, dark material between her fingers, she brought it to her face and sniffed it shortly. God, she could never identify what cologne that was, but that made it even better. Mysterious, just like he always used to be. And sneaky,too.

Seth would have fallen asleep if it weren't for her phone ringing and waking her from the dream-like state. She threw the coat on her bed and picked her phone from her night-stand.

"Seth Milford, how can I help?"She asked with a tired voice, but with a quick cough, she tried to sound more awake."Hello?"

Nothing came from the other end. After a few more seconds, she ended the call and threw the phone on the bed."Wrong number, most likely."Seth thought and cuddled up under the blankets. She would've liked to take a short nap, but just as she closed her eyes, the apartment's door opened and closed fast and loud, the sound of wet shoes following on the wooden floor.

Seth was up and already on the hallway before Sherlock and Watson reached her room."Good morning. How was the meeting with your brother?"She asked as she took Sherlock's coat and put it on the hanger while following him in his office.

"Boring, as usual."He said and sat down at his desk."Ah, even more boring things. Mail.Could you sort it for me, Seth?"

"A 'please' would've been nice, but sure, I can do that."She said and stuck her tongue at him. Grabbing the stack of letters, she started dividing them by their importance and from who sent them. Most were bills, so nothing new. Few were worth Sherlock's attention, and only one caught Seth's.

"Huh..There's a new restaurant opening this weekend, and it seems we're on the VIP guest list. Huh."She said and looked up at Sherlock."Have anything planned? Maybe we could take out Watson and Marry, they haven't had a nice dinner in ages."

Sherlock was caught in some papers and Seth had to slam the letters in front of him to finally make him raise his head."Bloody hell, what is it Seth?"He asked, disturbed.

"I said."She started as she crossed her hands."We've been invited to a new restaurant, this weekend. Therefore, we are making Watson and Marry a surprise."She repeated and took the invitation with her."No declining."She added while she headed back to her room.

The rest of the week went by pretty slow, for everyone.But when the weekend came, oh boy, Seth was the most excited out of all of them. She took time and did Marry's makeup and hair, since she knew it was gonna be more of a special occasion. 

"There we go, Marry. All glammed up for a nice night."Seth smiled as she fixed the last curl in Marry's hair.

"Wow. Thank you so much, Seth. You better get dressed too, I took way too much of your time."Marry stood up and touched her shoulder, then went to change.

Seth shook her head and closed the door. Stretching out a bit, she went ahead and changed into her black dress,with lace details at the base of the neck. It was short enough to turn heads around, yet long enough not to make her slutty. She then quickly pinned her hair in a sort of,home-elegant bun, with loose strands framing her face.

Just as Sherlock was about to knock on her door, Seth opened it, with the Westwood coat hanging on her arm."I'm ready, Sherlock. No need to get impatient." She chuckled at his unwilling face.

"Fine, let's just go already. The taxi is waiting us."He said and allowed Seth to go first. She could tell he wasn't in any mood to go out, but he wasn't gonna disappoint her or Watson either.

The restaurant wasn't too bad, even Sherlock's mood lightened up. Of course, Seth had to order for him so he wouldn't be thrown outside for insulting the waiter, but other than that, it was pretty nice.

"This place looks amazing. Really, Seth, thanks. For taking us with you."Watson thanked her and she replied with a warm smile.

It wasn't long before a waiter stopped by to give Seth a small note. She looked puzzled at first, then sighed."I'm sorry. Something turned up about dad. Guess you'll have to finish this without me."She apologized and gave Sherlock the money for her food, wrapped the coat around her shoulders and walked out. Straight into the rain."Great. Didn't think to bring an umbrella."

Giving out a sigh, she put the coat over her head and started her trip down the street. She gasped and stopped after a short while , when she looked across the street."Well, if it isn't Moriarty himself. Random encounter?"Seth asked after he crossed the street.

"I saw you..Standing in the ra-a-ain~"He sang slowly and pulled out an umbrella, holding it over both of them."But have I ever done something random, ever?"He asked as his free hand slipped at the back of her head and pulled her closer, until he pressed his lips against hers into the kiss they'd both wait so long for.

"Did you..exercise with anyone?"Seth asked after they broke the kiss.

"Of course not."Moriarty laughed as a car pulled over."Have been waiting for the right pair of lips."He pressed his finger on her bottom lip before he opened the car's door for her to get in.

"Well, did not expect that."

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