I know what your doing

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*Jack's POV
I can't wait to see Luna!
I've been out for a while and I was worried but she told me to go out and enjoy myself.
I walked through the door and I was about to shout HELLO! When I saw Luna sat in the kitchen at the dining table, with a knife. She was cutting her wrist and I wasn't sure what to do. I decided to walk out as if I had never been there and go to the pool to get Joe, he is very good in situations like this.
JS-"Go into the room with me and tell Lina that you want to take her in a date and grab her wrist with the cuts on. But gently, she's already hurt you don't want to hurt her anymore."
JM-"Ok. Got it"
We were at the apartment now and I was ready to put the plan into action!
*Luna's POV
I was still cutting my wrist. I'm not sure what the time is, so Jack could be home any minute.

Was He a Bad Choice or a Good Mistake (part 1) {Finished}Where stories live. Discover now