Arrancars have arrived!

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   Yay!! Next chapter hope you like it!!

      Chapter 3

"Rain over the frosted heavens, Hyorinmaru!" Captain Hitsugaya shouted, releasing his shikai, on the hollow.

   Damn that show off. I was still trying to tug my gigai off, at long last I ripped it off and transformed into a soul reaper. The hollow was trapped in a shimmering tower of ice, no fair he took all the fun.

  "I'll kill it, move out of the way." I ordered.

   He rolled his eyes and moved, out of the way nonetheless.

     I outstretched my hand and began chanting a kidou spell. Yeah you guessed it, I'm good at Kidou but that doesn't mean I'm rusty with my zanpakuto. Watch this. An orb of red light formed in my hand and I blasted it at the hollow.

    The whole Hollow icicle exploded into a thousand pieces, and rained on us. Fireworks, Yuri style!

   I chuckled. "Pretty cool huh."

     Captain Hitsugaya grunted, did this guy ever smile. "You know you should smile sometime, it stunts your growth if you do not release emotions."

   Yeah.........I shouldn't have said that.

  He stopped in his tracks. "What did you say, Kazuki san."

  "N-nothing, I said nothing. Gotta go, bye see ya!" I said, running off with laughter.


     I ran as fast as I could, my sides aching from laughing so hard. His face had been so hilarious, hadn't he found it even a bit funny. I seriously needed to teach him the art of humor.

  Stopping to catch my breath, I Iooked around for my mod soul. Dont tell me I'd left her by herself, last time I did that I came back with all my paperwork cut to shreds. She was one cannibal to say the least.

   "Lili, are you there." I said, looking around.

      A figure emerged from behind a tree. "Yes." she growled.

   I sweat dropped, well this was awkward. She began sniffing the air like a wild dog.

    "Uh, what are you doing?"

    "I smell arrancars." she said.

   My heart rocketed, and then I felt it. As if a massive stone rock had been placed on my shoulders, spiritual pressures at immense levels came out of nowhere.

  "There here." I said, holding my sword tightly, I flipped open my phone and checked the locator, as I ran. Rangiku and Captain Hitsugaya were with Orihime but, Chad the boy from school was alone. I had to get there before anything happened.

   I skidded to a halt, in front of Chad but nearly got knocked down by Ichigo.

  "He's MINE." We yelled in unison pointing to a rather disturbed looking arrancar that had a weird sense of fashion.

  "Chad, get out of here, we'll deal with it." Ichigo said.

  Chad didn't say anything, and then clenched his fists. "I understand. “He finally said, before running off.

   "Well, that was rather weird." I replied, I looked the arrancar up and down. "Nice hat, where did you get it, it draws the attention away from those horrendous little zig zag blocks you have for teeth."

   "What did you say." He snarled.

     Just then Rukia came running towards us. "Where did Chad run off too, did you say anything to him you guys."

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