Smartass Kidnapper

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Raven jolted awake. It was dark. She didn't remember going to bed. She reached to her lamp, surprised when her hand didn't find it. As her eyes adjusted to the darkness, she realized she wasn't in her room. Her eyes widened, and panic flowed through her. The room was unfamiliar, with almost no personal touches. White walls, a bed with a blue comforter (which she was sitting on), a blue rug on hardwood floors, a ceiling fan and a desk that was littered with papers, pens, and books. She got up as quietly as possible, and as she did a sudden pain in her head forced her to sit down. She groaned, and quickly cupped her hand over her mouth. She hoped her kidnapper didn't hear. "Oh god.." she whispered quietly to herself. Her eyes darted around nervously.

She heard footsteps outside the door, and scrambled under the bed. The door swung open, and her heart was beating faster than ever. Tears slipped from her eyes as she realized she was going to be killed. The last thing she remembered was waiting for her dad.. Oh god! She hoped her dad was okay. Worry consumed her even more. "Raven? Are you awake?" A light switched on, she could see her kidnappers feet on the floor. How did he know her name? Was he a stalker?

"Oh god. Please tell me you didn't run away." She heard him mutter. She held her breath as he got closer. He got on the bed, and she couldn't breathe if she wanted to. Suddenly he hung down, and she was greeted with two familiar eyes. James. "ARE YOU SERIOUS!?" She nearly screams. He jumps, falling off the bed. "THE FREAKING SMARTASS NEIGHBOR IS MY KIDNAPPER!? YOU'RE KIDDING, RIGHT?" She rages, with tear streaks staining her skin. He puts a finger to his lips nervously, warning her to be quiet. "My parents don't know you're here. Do you remember what happened?" He asked. 

"Yeah. You bloody kidnapped me." She whispered. "No, you angrily rampaged on over here, nearly fell to your death, and you're 'smartass neighbor' saved your life!" He posed like superman. She couldn't help but giggle. He did kinda look like Clarke Kent, with his big green eyes and messy black hair, not to mention the glasses. But despite the laugh, she did remember suddenly, and felt stupid for crying. "Okay, Superman." She smiled. "Thank you." But then her expression changed to a cold, harsh one. She remembered why she was rampaging over here. "What is it? Did I do something wrong?" He asked. "No." She said with a glare. "I gotta go." She walked towards the door, but he grabbed her wrist. She turned, and he blushed, releasing her quickly. "Are you nuts? My parents are down there!" 

"Are you suggesting I use the fire escape again?" She asked sarcastically. "Follow me." He said, opening the window, and climbing out. Once they were on the platform of the fire escape, he revealed a dangling rope. Her eyes widen. "What the.." Raven's voice trails off. "How do you think I get out of the house at night? The fire escape will get me killed." He replied nonchalantly. "Use this baby to get in and out. Also," He pauses, and I look at the far away ground, then back at him. "Feel free to tell my why you were storming up here crying anytime soon." She blushed a little, and then asked, "You want me to climb down this thing?" She couldn't keep the worry out of her voice. "Hey, don't worry. You're strong, you'll be fine." His words of encouragement didn't help the lump in her throat. "Okay.." She said nervously, reaching for the rope with shaking hands.

"Bye Raven." He says with a toothy smile. "Call me Rave." She replied, the uneasiness dissipating. And with that she jumped onto the rope, and one hand at a time climbed down. It was amazing. She looked down and watched the ground get closer, details springing into view. She finally reached the ground with a grin, and sprinted back to her room. She cringed as she snuck through her window, hoping her mother didn't notice her absence. It was late, so she quietly slipped into bed, the fatigue kicking in. The pain in her head came with it, throbbing terribly. She ignored it as she fell asleep.

The next day at breakfast, her and her mother shoveled spoons of cereal into their mouths. Her mom finished, and took her bowl to the sink. "So, are you gonna tell me where you went yesterday?" Her mom asked, raising an eyebrow. Raven winced at the sudden confrontation. She thought she was safe. "Yeah, about that.." Raven nervously laughed. She was still very angry, but she didn't want to concern her mother, so she acted otherwise. "It's kind of a long story," Raven stalled. "but-" She was cut off by the doorbell. Saved by the bell. "I'll get it!" Raven jumped up immediately. She opened it to reveal her best friend pacing on the porch. 

"Yay!" Raven giggled. "You're back!" She ushered Ashley to her bedroom. After she shut the door, Ashley leapt up and bearhugged Raven. "I'm so sorry!" She wailed. "What for?" Raven inquired. "For setting you up on that date!" Raven knew exactly what date she was talking about, and grabbed her friend firmly by the shoulders. "Hey. That was not your fault and you don't need to feel bad. I actually got a ride home." I replied with a smile. "By who?" She asked. "Y'know James? With the notebook?"

She opened her mouth to answer but was interrupted by a knock on the window. Knowing who it was, Raven opened it up. "Speak of the devil and he shall appear." She laughed. "I'm flattered." James responded. "Woah. Did I miss something?" Ashley grinned. "Ash, meet my smartass neighbor. James, meet Ash." I introduced them. "Very pleased to meet you, I hope the feeling is mutual." James said. "Also, Raven- er, Rave..." He paused, as though trying out the word. Raven smiled. "I.. think you left this at my house last night." He held out a small compact mirror. A tiger fur-like pattern was painted delicately on, and the word Paris was designed intricately over it. 

It was a gift from her brother, Ethan... only a year before he committed suicide. They were very close, albeit the six year age gap between them. She treasured that mirror. It was in her pocket wherever she went, and how carelessly she could let it fall out like that she did not know. She fought the stinging tears back as she she took it gratefully.

"Thank you."

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